After activation of the #EUCivilProtectionMechanism for Syria, first offers of Italy and Romania include family tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, beds, food items, winter clothing. Today, the @WFP_Syria also requested #UCPM assistance. #SyriaEarthquake 👉🏾!3nHgBB
Türkiye, Syria: seismic activity and EU response overview of 8 February. 🗺️👇
#earthquake #EUCivilProtection
RT @AndreasPapacon3: We extend our heartfelt condolences to the people who lost loved ones. Our thoughts are also with the first responders who work tirelessly to save lives. We are committed to continuing getting humanitarian aid to those in need @EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast
RT @AndreasPapacon3: Following the terrible earthquakes in 🇹🇷 and 🇸🇾, the European Union🇪🇺is providing emergency humanitarian assistance worth 6,5 million euros and support through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism @EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast
We are sending a message to the people of Türkiye and Syria: the EU will support you.
President @vonderleyen and @SwedishPM have today announced their intention to host a Donors' Conference to mobilise the international community in support of the people of Türkiye and Syria.
RT @EUinSyria: في أعقاب الزلزال المأساوي الذي ضرب #تركيا و #سوريا، نُشرت معلومات مضللة على نطاق واسع بشأن عقوبات الاتحاد الأوروبي 🇪🇺، بما في ذلك بيانات تشير إلى أن العقوبات تمنع إيصال المساعدات الإنسانية.
❕ يتعين على الاتحاد الأوروبي أن يوضح ما يلي:
Happy to see our partners in action @EUinSyria @EU_ECHO
RT @WFP_Syria: 🚨 Update from #Syria earthquakes response: @WFP offloading emergency food rations in Hama.
Working with local partners, WFP has delivered food assistance to thousands of people affected by the #earthquakes and much more is coming.
RT @EUinSyria: ❗#سوريا : الاتحاد الأوروبي 🇪🇺 يقدم مساعدات إنسانية أوليّة طارئة بقيمة 3.5 ملايين يورو. للمزيد من المعلومات:
RT @EUinArabic: نعمل مع شركائنا في المجال الإنساني لإيصال المساعدات الإنسانية العاجلة لكل المناطق المتضررة في #سوريا. العقوبات الأوروبية على النظام لا تستهدف هذه المساعدات. التحدي الحقيقي: الصعوبة اللوجستية للوصول للمنكوبين في كافة المناطق بشكل عاجل في بلد عانى من الحرب والدمار لسنوات.
Syria requested the activation of the #EUCivPro Mechanism.
The EU is the primary donor of humanitarian aid for Syria and in no way the EU sanctions imposed on the Syrian's regime's violent repression affect the delivery of humanitarian aid.
Commissioner @JanezLenarcic ↓
Earthquake: EU mobilises support for Syria and further aid to Türkiye!cDNdJD #syriaearthquake
RT @WFP_Syria: #UPDATE: In the wake of the earthquakes, thousands of Syrians spent the night at temporary shelters in extreme weather.
@WFP started providing hot meals and ready-to-eat rations in some of these shelters, while more rations are being dispatched to the affected areas.
RT @EUinSyria: 2/2 عدد الوفيات المُبلغ عنه في #سوريا = 1،451 والعدد في ازدياد. قضى أهالي منطقة حلب ليلة ثانية مروعة في درجات حرارة شديدة البرودة. يقدم شركاء الاتحاد الأوروبي🇪🇺 في المجال الإنساني المياه وحصص الإعاشة الجاهزة والبطانيات والملابس الشتوية.
RT @EUinSyria: 1/2 الدمار في منطقة إدلب هائل. تتكثف جهود الإنقاذ والإغاثة. تدمّر بشكل كامل هذا المجمّع في سلقين الذي يضمّ 120 عائلة. يساعد شركاء الاتحاد الأوروبي🇪🇺 في المجال الإنساني الناجين والمحتاجين من خلال تقديم الوجبات الساخنة والملابس والفراش والمأوى في حالات الطوارئ.
Reported death toll in Syria = 1,451 and counting. People in the region of Aleppo spent a second harrowing night in freezing temperatures. EU humanitarian partners are providing water, ready-to-eat rations, blankets and winter clothing. #SyriaQuake 2/2
The destruction in Idlib region is immense. Rescue & relief efforts are being stepped up. This complex in Salqin with 120 families was destroyed. EU humanitarian partners are helping survivors & those in need with hot meals, clothing, bedding & emergency shelter. #SyriaQuake 1/2
Türkiye, Syria | Seismic activity #Syriaquake
RT @EUinSyria: يستمر الاتحاد الأوروبي @ECHO_MiddleEast عبر شركائه في تقديم الدعم للسوريين المتضررين من الزلزال الذي ضرب #تركيا و #سوريا
This disaster could not have come at a worse time: millions of Syrians are living displaced in inferior shelter, braving winter conditions and scarcity. We need to make sure help can continue to get through to them.
[recent but not current pics]
Our partners are providing water and sanitation support, essential non-food items and are undertaking search & rescue operations in the affected areas of Syria.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Updates on EU-funded humanitarian projects in the Middle East & North Africa from @EU_ECHO's Amman-based communication team