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No one, from first principles, would have picked the Rwanda solution. But, as long as politically motivated lawyers and judges routinely overturn deportation attempts, we have no option but to move the process offshore.


RT @DanielJHannan: Forty years ago , British forces liberated the Falkland Islands. They had carried out that toughest of operations, an opposed amphibious assault, at a distance of 8,000 miles. Their victory restored freedom and democracy, not only to the Falklands, but also to Argentina.


RT @Jacob_Rees_Mogg: Thanks to a lefty freedom of information request it turns out I attended the Commons on over 100% of sitting days in a year, 159 attended vs 154 sitting days. Office working has much to commend it.


Forty years ago , British forces liberated the Falkland Islands. They had carried out that toughest of operations, an opposed amphibious assault, at a distance of 8,000 miles. Their victory restored freedom and democracy, not only to the Falklands, but also to Argentina.


"In Britain, white conservatives are trolled with images of burning crosses and Klansmen’s hoods, while black conservatives are called Uncle Toms and house negroes. Quite apart from being terrifically rude, what have these terms got to do with us?"


For over a year, Britain has been proposing ways to resolve the problems with the Protocol in a manner that meets the EU’s stated objections. Brussels has not responded.
Gotta love the folk on Twitter who, coming new to the argument, say “Why don’t we just negotiate?”


RT @tomhfh: No one who pretends the EU is a neutral arbiter in Protocol debates should be taken the slightest bit seriously.

It’s a player on the pitch, not a referee.


@DAaronovitch @HowardDLeigh @montie 2/2 I repeated those arguments many times over subsequent months. Leavers often responded by claiming that the Swiss were somehow in the EU; Remainers either with snark (like your last Tweet) or with sheer rage along the lines of “STFU, racist liar!” So, alas, the moment passed.


@DAaronovitch @HowardDLeigh @montie 1/2 I was early out of the blocks. I appeared on the BBC results programme at around 6am, just after the declaration, said that it had been a narrow vote, that 2 of the 4 home nations had voted to stay, and that we should therefore move slowly and retain several links to the EU.


@HowardDLeigh @DAaronovitch @montie I said it a great deal. I hoped that we could find a compromise that both sides could at least live with. But neither side was in the mood for compromise, sadly, and the moment passed.


@PEMcNeil @tomhfh No, nothing at all: I love it. But watch Zulu and then tell me that there isn’t an even more stirring Welsh paean.


How on earth have we managed without a “food strategy” until now? How did those Neolithic farmers manage to sow their cereals? How, without guidance, did they stuff their maws with primitive gloop? Must we have national strategies for absolutely bloody everything?
RT @BorisJohnson: We're backing British farmers so we can grow and eat more of our own domestic produce, harness new tech opportunities and strengthen our food security…


@tomhfh England: Jerusalem
Scotland: Scotland the Brave
Wales: Men of Harlech
Northern Ireland: Londonderry Air
UK: Rule Britannia
Commonwealth: God Save The Queen


Cut taxes. Now.
RT @ONS: GDP fell 0.3% in April and is now 0.9% above its pre-pandemic level.

▪️ Services fell 0.3%,
▪️ Manufacturing fell 1.0%
▪️ Construction fell 0.4%



There are people who like having a big, bossy state, and there are people who just want to be left alone. This needn’t be a problem - except that the first lot insist on imposing their preference on the second.


RT @FraserNelson: From Sweden’s education minister - studies show no loss of learning in Sweden even amongst poorest pupils through pandemic.

In UK, the debate is whether lockdowns set educational inequality back seven or ten years.


For the avoidance of doubt, this is no criticism of @TomTugendhat. I think his article is excellent. I am simply waiting for any MP to explain how we can return even to Gordon Brown spending levels without reducing the healthcare and social security budgets.


@arisroussinos Interestingly, it works only one way. No one would say to, for example, an Algerian, "eh, you're racist for caring more about Palestine than about Ukraine." In any other case, they would take it for granted that people have the same frames of reference.


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