At the #NorthSeaSummit23 I will plea for an integrated energy network development plan. Large volumes of #renewable electricity from #offshorewind must be dispatched throughout the continent. For that we need more cables & a flexible grid with batteries and electrolysers
I am today in Belgium to support one of the most ambitious EU projects: 120 GW #offshorewind in the North Sea by 2030! Luxembourg is a landlocked country & cross-border cooperation will allow our citizens and industry to benefit from this immense resources #NorthSeaSummit23
RT @LuxembourgMea: 🇱🇺 Den iwwerschafften Energie- a Klimaplang bis 2030 ass do, fir eng liewenswäert a solidaresch Zukunft fir Lëtzebuerg! Bis de 16.5 ka jiddereen un der ëffentlecher Enquête deelhuelen an zu de ronn 200 Moossname en Avis ofginn. Weider Informatiounen op
RDV dëse Samsden - Ech fréë mech op Äer Visitt!
RT @LuxembourgMea: À l’occasion de la Journée des institutions, une journée porte ouverte sera organisée le 22.04. (13h00-17h00) au sein du bâtiment Tour Alcide de Gasperi.
Apprenez plus sur nos projets tout en profitant de la vue magnifique au 22e étage.
I am in Brussels today to advocate for a strong governance of the #EnergyUnion beyond the crisis. Focus must be on fast renewable deployment, flexibility, grid infrastructures and a functioning European market. #EUGreenDeal #EnergyUnion @KadriSimson @fbirol @LaurenceTubiana
Gëschter hu mir den neien Energie- a Klimaplang fir Lëtzebuerg virgestallt. D’Politik setzt heimat de Kader, fir datt Klimaschutz sou einfach wéi méiglech gëtt. Weider Infoen an d’Méiglechkeet eis är Meenung zum Plang ze ginn:
Copyright: SIP/L.Deflorenne
RT @LuxembourgMea: Lëtzebuerg sëtzt op méi staarke Klimaschutz. Wat haalt dir vun den neie Mesuren?
Den iwwerschafften, mee nach net finaliséierten Energie- a Klimaplang bis 2030 ass do, fir eng liewenswäert a solidaresch Zukunft fir Lëtzebuerg!
RT @MinEcoLux: .@UE_Luxembourg invite le 18/04 de 10h à 12h à une #tableronde à propos des défis & opportunités pour les acteurs de l’industrie 🇱🇺, liés à la mise en place du #NZIA en présence de @ClaudeTurmes, @FranzFayot , #MereteClausen & René Winkin (@Fedil_Lux) 👉
Un grand Merci @Franck_LEROY_ pour l'échange constructif!
RT @Franck_LEROY_: Avec @ClaudeTurmes, nous partageons la même volonté de porter une stratégie #hydrogène commune inscrivant nos territoires dans une dynamique exemplaire en matière de transition énergétique !
Nos bassins de vie et d'emplois sont transfrontaliers. C'est en partageant régulièrement…
RT @RPUE_LU: "Renewable" means "#renewable"
Watch @ClaudeTurmes explain his views on the deployment of #renewables in the #RenewableEnergyDirective and why #nuclear should not be included
RT @AustriaatEU: „Renewable means renewable“
Ahead of today’s #EnergyCouncil @lgewessler invited ministers of 🇧🇪 🇪🇪 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇩🇰 🇮🇪 🇱🇺 🇵🇹 🇳🇱 🇱🇻 met with @KadriSimson 🇪🇺 to discuss the targets regarding the deployment of renewable energy in the #RenewableEnergyDirective #RED.
"Renewable" means "renewable".
Our common views with 🇦🇹🇩🇰🇩🇪🇮🇪🇱🇺🇵🇹🇪🇸
#REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal #RenewableEnergy @KadriSimson @TimmermansEU @Energy4Europe @sweden2023eu
Thank you @EU_Commission @KadriSimson for the proposal on electricity market design. It should accelerate transition to a 100% #RenewableEnergy system. Establishing new support (CfDs) for the prolongation of existing #nuclear power plants is not acceptable #REPowerEU #EUGreenDeal
Site visit with 🇪🇺 Commissioner @ElisaFerreiraEC, @ClaudeTurmes and @CorinneCahen of the @INTERREG_NWE project GROOF co-financed by 🇪🇺 in Bettembourg 🇱🇺
This project is an innovative cross-sectoral approach to reduce CO2 emissions in the construction and agriculture sectors.
D‘Energiekris ass nach net eriwwer an dofir wäerte mir och 2024 d’Bierger an d’Betriber virun ze héijen Energiepräisser schützen. Gläichzäiteg ënnerstëtze mer weider den Ëmstig op erneierbar Energien a garantéieren sou, dass och d’Joer 2024 en Joer vun der Transitioun wäert ginn.
RT @LuxembourgMea: Lëtzebuerg co-finanzéiert Solarenergie a Finnland
First meeting today in Stockholm with @FontouraGouveia to establish the basis of a strong energy partnership between 🇵🇹 and 🇱🇺 on #renewables and #hydrogen. Our countries are and will remain strongly linked.
Very promising discussion with @EconMinEstonia Riina Sikkut today in Stockhom in the margins of the informal #TTE council of ministers @sweden2023eu. Many opportunities for 🇱🇺 and 🇪🇪 to cooperate on #renewables & offshore wind
The implementation of the EU #renewableenergy financing mechanism has taken an important step forward today with the binding commitment by Finland 🇫🇮 and Luxembourg 🇱🇺 to take part in a cross-border tender for renewable energy.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇱🇺 Ministre de l'Énergie & Ministre de l'Aménagement du territoire - Fighting for #renewables #energyefficiency & the #climate