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Mit dem 1. Wasserstoffkongress der Großregion bekräftigen wir, dass ein wichtiger Teil vom Klimaschutz ist, grün sein muss und dass wir in der Großregion zusammen an einer gem. Wasserstoffinfrastruktur arbeiten müssen. Zusammen können wir die Energiewende schaffen 💪


RT @beneluxunion: & ministers give new impetus to inviting each other to closely cooperate in in Baltic and North seas and work out a common approach in energy data exchange.

ℹ️ Check out some key figures


Particular opportunities were also identified in better usage of smart meter data. @beneluxunion


Today the 1st Benelux-Baltics Meeting was held in 🇱🇺. With 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 we discussed i.a. how cross-border cooperation in offshore wind contributes to reaching our renewable energy goals and those of the 🇪🇺 @beneluxunion @TinneVdS @RobJetten @MarisLauri @LuxembourgMea


RT @fbenoy: Yesterday, on national day, many emphasized how important climate protection is. We don't just talk about it, we are committed to it every day. In government, parliament and local council. But we need to step up our efforts, and we can only do that together. 🇱🇺🇪🇺🌍


Méi Infoen fannt Dir op
Mir sinn och schonn a Kontakt mat Betriber fir Energiespuerpotentialer ze ermëttelen. (3/3)


genau sou wéi mat den Energiefournisseuren an de Netzbedreiwer. D'Regierung ass informéiert.
E Méindeg wäert ech op enger Pressekonferenz méi Detailer ginn.
Och wann eis Gas-Versuergung momentan garantéiert ass, gëllt et och lo schonn, all zesummen Energie ze spueren (2/3)


De Moien huet 🇩🇪 d'Alarm-Stuf am Gas-Noutfall-Plang ausgeruff. Wat heescht dat fir🇱🇺? Mir hunn zur Zäit kee Versuergungsproblem, mee ech sinn, zesumme mat der Ekipp aus dem @LuxembourgMea an enkem Kontakt mat eise Nopeschlänner, ganz besonnesch mat eisem Haaptzouliwwerland🇧🇪(1/3)


I welcome the ENVI ECON committee vote of today in @europarl_en rejecting the Commission proposal to label and as sustainable under the . We need to stop the Russian gas power games and move to renewable, domestic fuels.


RT @mmtp_lu: 🧱🦺 @Francois_Bausch, en présence de @ClaudeTurmes, des responsables de l’Administration des ponts et chaussées et des responsables communaux, a inauguré le premier tronçon de la transversale de Clervaux 📍 et a procédé au premier coup de pelle du tronçon de la PC21.


Le Danemark, l'Allemagne, la Belgique et les Pays-Bas comptent transformer la mer du Nord en une "centrale électrique verte" 👇
RT @Tagliapietra_S: The plan in a nutshell: to increase the four countries' installed offshore wind capacity from the current level of 15 GW to 65 GW by 2030 (i.e., equivalent to around 40 nuclear reactors) and to 150 GW by 2050 (i.e., equivalent to around 100 nuclear reactors). 2/


Goodbye - hello - och an 🇦🇺 ass d’Zait vu fossiler Energie riwwer 👉 Australia election: How climate is making Australia more unliveable - BBC News


Konstruktiv Entrevue mam nationale Kommitee géint Atomkraaft. Sujete waren e.a. konkret Mesurë vun der 🇱🇺 Regierung géint Atomkraaft an der 🇧🇪 an a 🇫🇷


Very honored to attend (online) the PV-IPCEI launch event organised by @ESMC_PV. I am pleased that our call for high EU solar ambitions has been endorsed by the @EU_Commission

RT @ClaudeTurmes: 5 EU member states join call for 1 TW of European solar by 2030.
Energy Ministers from Austria, Belgium, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Spain have signed a letter to the European Commission asking for higher EU sola…


RT @LuxembourgMea: Hier, @Francois_Bausch, @ClaudeTurmes & @WelfringJoelle, avec une cinquantaine d'acteurs privés et publics, ont signé la charte de l'initiative "Stroum Beweegt – Elektresch an d'Zukunft".
Un grand merci à tous!

©Studion Photography


Congratulations ! for winter in the 🇪🇺👏
RT @KadriSimson: We have a swift political agreement on our gas storage proposal!

Really happy to see eye to eye with the French 🇫🇷Presidency of the Council of the & the @europarl_en.

This proposal is key to ensure preparedness for next winter. The 🇪🇺 can deliver at speed & is united.


RT @LuxembourgMea: comporte de nombreux éléments pour sortir des énergies fossiles 🇷🇺 le plus rapidement possible. Pour @ClaudeTurmes
"C'est la voie à suivre pour réduire notre dépendance des combustibles fossiles et lutter contre la crise climatique."


Glad to present to @TimmermansEU our project aiming to make the @GrandeRegionOff an EU crossroad for , in partnership with @JeanROTTNER and @GrandEstEurope. We are a rare example of cross-border cooperation involving 4 Member States.


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