RT by @CarolineLucas: Sad that the debate today ended the way it did. The reckless plan to cut winter fuel payments amounts to an unjustified and cruel assault on pensioners’ finances, mental and physical health. #WinterFuelPayment
[2024-09-10 14:54 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Our MPs will be holding Labour to account and voting against scrapping the winter fuel allowance. We promised to push them to make the correct decisions and we stand by that promise.
[2024-09-10 12:45 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Cutting fuel payments is worse than 'difficult' as uncomfortable Labour backbenchers are saying. It's wrong - politically, because no one voted for it; economically - wealth tax anyone?; and morally, it's cruel & will cause serious harm to over 2 million pensioners
[2024-09-10 13:43 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: 2 million pensioners will be pushed in to fuel poverty with the Winter Fuel Payment cut proposal.
To all the Labour MP's who are concerned about this measure, I say, vote with your conscience, so we can look after the most vulnerable in our society.
[2024-09-10 12:45 UTC]
Laura, people really *would* forgive you for not asking Starmer about what it’s like living in Downing St. Harder to forgive is not a *single* question about greatest challenge facing humanity. July was 13th consecutive month of temperatures above 1.5
[2024-09-08 08:36 UTC]
When leaders like Starmer blather on about “tough choices”, why is it *always* code for hitting some of the poorest hardest? Where’s the “tough choice” of a wealth tax on the super-rich? Why do shivering pensioners have to pay the price for “fixing the foundations”?
[2024-09-08 08:27 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: And the crowd goes wild! Members were on their feet for Deputy Leader @ZackPolanski addressing conference on stepping up and the Green Party’s commitment to telling the truth.
[2024-09-07 10:17 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: ✅ @TheGreenParty Disability policy update - passed!
Delighted that #GPC24 has voted for a set of updated Disability policies, including:
- Introduce Disabled People’s Commissioners in Wales & England
- Tackle the disability employment gap
- Expand existing apprenticeship scheme and improve access to higher education for disabled people
- All teachers to receive SEND training
- Improve accessibility on public transport
- Invest in adapting homes + stronger protections for disabled renters
Also delighted that our hybrid conference allows me and many other members to vote on our policies when we're not able to attend in person.
Huge thanks to all those who worked on this new set of policies 🙏
[2024-09-07 15:50 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: “If we appreciate nature, we’re more likely to protect it”
Green MP for North Herefordshire @EllieChowns takes a moment away from conference to appreciate Manchester’s River Irwell #GPC24
[2024-09-07 16:58 UTC]
To my lovely Green friends & colleagues - thank you so much for all your kind words at this
💚. And thanks to my amazing team (you know who you are!) without whom I couldn’t have done any of it x. PS I’ve not really “gone” - reports of my demise are much exaggerated :)
[2024-09-07 20:24 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: On 24 October former Green Party leader @CarolineLucas will discuss her new book Another England: How to Reclaim Our National Story with master potter Edmund de Waal. Start your month's free Crafts membership before 13 September to book your free ticket https://bit.ly/4ghU3cW
[2024-09-07 16:05 UTC]
We loved having you! Big thanks to
for sharing your radical optimism & exploring all we have in common - as the far right organises, progressives need to collaborate more than ever before
[2024-09-07 17:03 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Incredible welcome to @TheGreenParty Conference from local councillor @GreenPartyHan here in Manchester! Vibes couldn’t be better! #GPC24 #gpconf
[2024-09-06 13:27 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: We’re looking forward to joining esp to hear a great line-up discuss the key challenges and drivers for shifting to more nature friendly farming. Come along tomorrow (7th), 5:15pm, in the auditorium at Manchester Central.
#GPC24 @TheGreenParty @EllieChowns @SoilAssociation
[2024-09-06 13:29 UTC]
in Manchester to huge applause - making case for taxing super-rich to fund the investment our public services so desperately need, for restoring nature & bringing water back into public hands. This Govt needs to be bolder & better
[2024-09-06 13:31 UTC]
“The party is on a roll” - dead right
! We’ve increased councillor numbers 5-fold in last 5 elections & in parliament it’s Greens pushing Govt to be bolder & braver. Labour promised change - without investment they won’t achieve it
[2024-09-06 06:58 UTC]
“As Greens, we counter Labour’s message of doom and gloom. Things can get better – and fast – but only if the new Government has the courage to invest.” Spot on
[2024-09-06 06:39 UTC]
Well said
- this is a real litmus test to see whether Labour will stand up for civil liberties & human rights & repeal these draconian laws
[2024-09-05 17:51 UTC]
⏳ Well it has to be the Climate and Nature Bill,
, surely?! We championed this crucial Bill together in the last Parliament—and you now have a golden opportunity to finally lock the
into law
[2024-09-05 13:21 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, former leader and co-leader of @TheGreenParty, Mum of two. A better world is possible. Let’s make it happen