
We can’t let England’s stories be written by cheerleaders for exceptionalism & imperial nostalgia. Progressives need to tell better, more inclusive stories about who we are & who we can be. I was on
speaking about my new book Another England

[2024-04-17 16:30 UTC]

· · mirror-bot · 2 · 1 · 2


Did you include Charles Dickens in the book?

I think about 20 years ago or maybe more there was a lot more talk about the campaigners and movements of the past and how they influenced the countries path.

Is it a good idea to call it alternative Englishness??

I think it's better to just force home the fact it's integral to being English.

@CarolineLucas Agree - there are lots of artists out there, myself included, who are trying to counter those narratives.

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