
Unbelievable: oil giants seized control of global climate conference & are now airbrushing out criticism of their blatant hypocrisy on Wikipedia. If COP28 is to help tackle it must be free of dirty fossil fuel ties & outrageous greenwash


· · mirror-bot · 4 · 48 · 41

@CarolineLucas sadly, very far from unbelievable - entirely predictable in fact 😭😡


We build solar and wind replacements for all carbon energy now, at speed, or we don't make it.

Nothing else matters.

. . . at speed, or we don't make it.

Blistering heat has taken a toll on people's lives in large parts of India as temperatures went as high as 45 degrees Celsius 113 degrees F

You can longer buy home insurance in California
Citing --> "rapidly growing catastrophe exposure"

" #ClimateCrisis

Anyone still under the delusion that international action is going to stop #GlobalWarming has not paid attention over the previous twenty-seven years imo. #ClimateAction has to be local.

@CarolineLucas I stopped believing in COP & the UN after attending COP11 biodiversity summit. They're basically an expensive corporate greenwashing tradeshows now - more than environmental summits to deal with increasing climate change problems & important issues interconnected with that. The sideshows are global govt leaders & reps who attend for photo ops & who issue yet more pledges that they'll keep failing to truly honour. Repeat this crap, every year.

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