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V luči kandidature Slovenije za Varnostni svet OZN je predsednik republike Borut Pahor na pogovor sprejel skupino stalnih predstavnikov pri OZN. @BledStratForum


[VIDEO] Predsednik Republike Slovenije Borut Pahor se je sestal s predsednico Evropske komisije Ursulo von der Leyen. Spregovorila sta predvsem o aktualnih razmerah na Zahodnem Balkanu in o posledicah ruske vojaške agresije nad Ukrajino. @vonderleyen @BledStratForum


I would like Serbia’s policy to help keep the whole of the Western Balkans on the Western European side. However, this is a complex issue and I believe we must address it as such.


PRS: In my opinion, Serbia will play a decisive role if it comes to the division of Europe in the Western Balkans. Here I am referring to Serbia's traditional security, political, economic, cultural and emotional attachment to Russia.


Since our guest here is also the President of the European Commission, Ms Von der Leyen, I would like to reiterate Slovenia’s proposal that Bosnia and Herzegovina be granted candidate status this year, and if possible, without conditions.


🇸🇮 is doing everything in it's power to convince the EU and the West to fast track the accession of 🇧🇦 to the EU and, if possible, to NATO. Should the conflicts in 🇧🇦 escalate, this might pose a serious security risk for the country, for the region and for the whole of Europe.


…kar bi predstavljalo velik varnostni izziv. Zato je ponovno pozval k hitrejši širitvi z državami regije in čimprejšnji dodelitvi statusa kandidatke Bosni in Hercegovini.


Kot osrednji govornik na je predsednik Pahor spregovoril predvsem o posledicah ruske vojaške agresije nad Ukrajino za evropsko varnost in možni novi blokovski delitvi sveta ter opozoril pred nevarnostjo, da bi v primeru takega razvoja delitev potekala po ZB,…


If it holds true, that the newly emerging Russian sphere of influence will leave no room for countries aspiring to join the EU and NATO;
then this new geopolitical division might make the Western Balkans part of the Western world.


Predsednik Republike Borut Pahor se je sestal s predsednico Evropske komisije Ursulo von der Leyen. Spregovorila sta predvsem o aktualnih razmerah na Zahodnem Balkanu in o posledicah ruske vojaške agresije nad Ukrajino. @vonderleyen


If it is true that the war in Ukraine and its consequences might lead to a new bloc division, we should be concerned about whom it will divide and what this implies for the Europe and the international community.


History has taught us that bloc division is not a solution, but a problem. It brings along the state of fragile, constantly threatened peace, accompanied by an arms race, proxy wars and agonising efforts for a peaceful resolution.


RT @vonderleyen: 🇸🇮 Very good exchanges with President @BorutPahor and Prime Minister Golob in the margins of the @BledStratForum

We discussed the importance of further strengthening ties with our Western Balkans partners and of tackling the situation on energy markets and security of supply.


Although it might be too early to talk about all its possible ramifications, there can be no doubt that any new division would be bad news for the future of Europe and the world.


PRS: And today, 30 years later, particularly due to the war in Ukraine, it seems that a prospect of a new bloc division looms over Europe.
RT @STA_novice: Odprtje 17. Blejskega strateškega foruma @vzivo_si


It might once again split it into a democratic West and an authoritarian East, with the border between them also marking the boundary of Russia’s zone of influence and interest.


RT @BledStratForum: Delighted to announce the distinguished speakers opening :
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Ms @tfajon (@MZZRS)
President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr @BorutPahor
President of @EU_Commission, Ms @vonderleyen



Predsednik Pahor in Ivo Hvalica sta kljub različnim političnim stališčem spletla iskreno in pristno prijateljstvo, ki bo predsedniku vedno ostalo v lepem spominu.


Predsednik Pahor izraža iskreno sožalje družini Iva Hvalice, dolgoletnega poslanca in politika, ki je imel vidno vlogo v prvih letih slovenskega parlamentarizma.
RT @STA_novice: Umrl nekdanji poslanec Ivo Hvalica


Ob robu @BledStratForum je predsednik Pahor sprejel pomočnico državnega sekretarja ZDA Michele Sison in namestnika pomočnika DS ZDA Gabriela Escobarja. 🇸🇮🤝🇺🇸


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