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Bart Staes boosted

BREAKING: @europarl_en votes for measures to fight corruption.

➜ MEPs can't go straight to lobbying after their mandates
➜ Ban financial ties with lobbyists
➜ Stronger Transparency Register
➜ Anti-corruption Special Committee & Vice President
➜ Ethics body


RT @Enabel_Belgium: 💻 Did you miss our last Digital Session of the year discussing how technologies can contribute to a greener future?

👉 Discover it now on the knowledge sharing platform:


RT @ThomasvgPAX: Opinie over de 12,5 miljard aan investeringen van Nederlandse financiële instellingen in bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij illegale Israëlische nederzettingen, dubbele standaarden en failliet ontmoedigingsbeleid. Actie is broodnodig. @PAXvoorvrede @Joop_nl


RT @willemstaes: Bouw en expansie van 🇮🇱 zijn oorlogsmisdaden, en maken elke vorm van duurzame ontwikkeling onmogelijk. Nederzettingen liggen ook aan basis v talloze mensenrechtenschendingen, en zijn centrale component vh Israëlische apartheidsregime in 2/9


RT @willemstaes: BREAKING: Belgische banken investeren miljarden in bedrijven betrokken bij Palestijnse mensenrechtenschendingen, zo blijkt uit nieuw rapport: (1/9) @www11be


RT @Enabel_Belgium: 🌍 Whenever and wherever humanity's values are abandoned, we all are at greater risk. We need to stand up for our rights and those of others.

📸 Palestinian children playing football in Sabastiya, West Bank. ©️ @thehalabielias


RT @www11be: Lees ook het uitgebreidere draadje dat onze Midden-Oostenexpert @willemstaes hierover schreef 👇


RT @www11be: Verschillende Belgische banken investeren tientallen miljarden in bedrijven betrokken bij illegale Israëlische nederzettingen - ondanks kritiek.

Verantwoordelijkheid, desinvestering & politieke druk zijn dringend nodig @PYDermagne & @vincent_v_p


RT @BriHerremans: Looking forward to watching @FarhaFilm by @DarinSallam foregrounding the 1948 Nakba. Although Israel has tried to erase historical Palestine and the truth about the dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, it cannot obfuscate these facts.


RT @Riadh_B: Bon. Bespaar ons het cynische getweet. Die mannen hebben ons jaren van plezier en vertier bezorgd. Dus merci @BelRedDevils voor verschillende EK-WK-avonturen om van te smullen! En dank voor het nagelbijten vandaag tegen Kroatië! Het is wat het is. Merci 💖


RT @Enabel_Belgium: 🧡 In , with Belgian support 🇧🇪, hundreds of doctors, psychologists, and health workers are trained to receive and support victims of violence, in a safe environment.

♀️ Let's to end gender-based violence. Now.



RT @willemstaes: On 5 December the coalition will launch a new report about the relationships between 🇪🇺 financial institutions and companies operating in 🇮🇱 settlements.

Please join the launch webinar (2-3pm CET) on 5/12 to learn more!



RT @Enabel_Belgium: It's a wrap! Enabel was glad to host the 's Internal Learning and Debrief Workshop.

During these 2⃣ days, the collaborative approach of all members allowed for a deep reflection on how to better promote inclusive vocational education and training.



Bart Staes boosted

With my own eyes, I have seen activists being harassed in Egypt. Yet, the European Commission claims to be happy with how civil society was treated during .

We need a Commission that is vocal on the treatment of civil society, not one that condones human rights violations.


Bart Staes boosted

This is historic! The @europarl_en calls for the EU to exit the Energy Charter Treaty. 🔥 This is the final signal to @EU_Commission - no majority in EP and Council for the reform. The EU needs to exit the ECT! Victory for the climate!


Dangerous pesticides are banned in Europe – but they still get exported, killing bees and devastating communities worldwide. When will you @VSinkevicius outlaw the export of banned pesticides?


RT @DFB_Team_EN: It wasn’t about making a political statement – human rights are non-negotiable. That should be taken for granted, but it still isn’t the case. That’s why this message is so important to us.

Denying us the armband is the same as denying us a voice. We stand by our position.


RT @KatSuetens: Mahmoud 17, vanochtend op weg naar school doodgeschoten door het Israëlisch leger. Het 50ste Palestijnse kind al dit jaar... wanneer gaan België en Europa eindelijk eisen dat dit stopt??? @hadjalahbib


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