RT @fightimpunity: "Nous n'avons pas eu le même passé, vous et nous, mais nous aurons nécessairement le même avenir". #EU #Africa #ColloqueSahel @AntonioPanzeri @CoalitionSahel
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1541763483959758848
Mi trovo a Nouakchott insieme a @MariaArenaEU, @NPWJ e la Rappresentante Speciale UE per il Sahel per discutere di diritti umani, governance e sviluppo nel #Sahel. ore 13:00 🔴@fightimpunity
⬇️Qui tutte le info per connettervi e seguire la discussione ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1541366760221425664
RT @fightimpunity: The U.S. Criminal Court's ruling is an unacceptable regression in the field of women's rights. #mybodymychoice #RoeVWadeprotest @AntonioPanzeri @AOC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1541364809341587456
RT @fightimpunity: https://tchad24.tv/le-sahel-une-digue-mal-en-point-les-promesses-de-colloque-de-nouakchott-du-27-au-28-juin/ @MariaArenaEU @NpwjPress @eu_eeas
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1541364785685696512
RT @fightimpunity: The two-day conference on development, governance and human rights in the #Sahel region starts today.
You can follow it via facebook live or via this zoom link at 13h. ⬇️
ID de réunion : 896 9548 3009
Code secret : 216744
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1541364768266649600
RT @MariaArenaEU: 🔴 I took part with with P. PANZERI (Chair of @fightimpunity) & E. BASSOT (Director Members’ Research Service) on a #PressConference for the first annual international conference “The Future of #HumanRights”.
EU must defend fundamental rights worldwide!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1537024434560815106
RT @MariaArenaEU: #Ue non sia timida nel difendere #dirittiumani nel mondo - via @ansaeuropa https://www.ansa.it/europa/notizie/europarlamento/news/2022/06/14/arena-sd-ue-non-sia-timida-nel-difendere-diritti-umani-nel-mondo_d717c357-0b2d-4e13-966f-27ecf7286e40.html
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1537024404755972097
RT @fightimpunity: Per essere coerenti nella difesa dei diritti umani è necessario che l’UE abbandoni una certa doppia morale. @AntonioPanzeri #pressconference #thefutureofhumanrights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1537024290230521856
RT @fightimpunity: #Pressconference EU must promote & defend fundamental rights worldwide! #thefutureofHRconference @MariaArenaEU @EP_ThinkTank @AntonioPanzeri
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1537024269447843840
RT @MariaArenaEU: I will take part in the press conference together with:
🔹Pierantonio PANZERI – Chair of Fight Impunity organisation
🔹Etienne BASSOT – Director Members’ Research Service EPRS (European Parliament)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1536328221876174850
RT @MariaArenaEU: 🔴 #PressConference on the first ever annual international conference “The Future of #HumanRights” will take place in the Anna Politkovskaya room in the #EuropeanParliament (Spaak 0A050 – Brussels) tomorrow Tuesday 14 June at 11:00 (CET)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1536328207313551361
RT @MariaArenaEU: Voci certains des participants:
➡️R. Metsola, Présidente du PE
➡️A. Panzeri, président de Fight Impunity
➡️Le Dr. Denis Mukwege, Prix Nobel pour la Paix
➡️E. Gimore, Représentant spécial de l'UE pour les droits humains
➡️D. Miliband, Président d'International Rescuse Committee
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1536328176158363649
RT @MariaArenaEU: 📅RDV le 16 &17 juin pour la conférence de @fightimpunity sur le futur des des droits humains.
👉En présence des représentants de l'UE, de l'ONU, de la société civile,... engagés dans la défense des droits humains et de la lutte contre l'impunité.https://www.facebook.com/events/765260581166822?ref=newsfeed
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1536328166448541696
RT @fightimpunity: Please click on the following link: https://broadcaster.interactio.eu/join/3m7x-bvl3-haig (only active on the days of the conference).
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1534846682432675841
Vi aspetto a Milano il 16 maggio per discutere di diritti umani e diritti sociali https://www.fightimpunity.com/post/diritti-umani-e-diritti-sociali-nel-mondo-che-cambia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1525396686444576769
RT @fightimpunity: https://europa.today.it/attualita/lucha-lotta-cambiamento-congo.html @Mariearenaps @luchaRDC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1521198861599002624
RT @fightimpunity: 10ans de Lucha! Fighting for Human Rights, for Justice & against Impunity! @luchaRDC @Mariearenaps
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1521023072920289281
Con @itziarituno quando abbiamo presentato a Milano una settimana fa, il libro #Insicuridamorire . Perchè la sicurezza sul lavoro è una condizione necessaria. Buon 1 maggio!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AntonioPanzeri/status/1520682648229851136
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Presidente di FIGHT IMPUNITY @fightimpunity. Responsabile Politiche europee internazionali @ArticoloUnoMDP (gestito da collab)