Today’s proposal for a certification framework for ensures that whenever a ton of carbon is said to have been taken from the atmosphere, we can verify that claim: has it actually happened, is it additional to a business-as-usual scenario, and is it effectively stored?
Financial support will flow to those farmers, foresters and land managers who choose practices with considerable additional benefits to biodiversity – our certification will not embrace the creation of new monocultures just because they store a lot of carbon.
Finally, industry will need a source of carbon that is not based on fossil fuels, for example to make plastics, rubbers or certain chemicals. Our proposal today ensures that carbon bound in such products can be effectively certified.
Read more in the press release ⬇️
We want carbon removals to offer new and additional sources of income for the many farmers eager to do more for biodiversity, but who struggle to find the necessary funding.
#CarbonFarming #EUGreenDeal