Meat consumption in the EU is declining.
Main drivers:
🔷 Consumer prices
🔷 Population in EU and in the World
🔷 Ethics and health concerns
🔷 Culture and religion
🔷 Convenience
- Benjamin Van Doorslaer, @EUAgri analyst
For more details & data , download the #AgriOutlook report ⤵️
@EUAgri We still need much more of #LessMeat, for climate, health, nature, animal welfare. So please end promoting EU meat im the World but focus on #EUFarm2Fork!
EU meat production is projected to decline too, because of:
🔷 Declining consumption
🔷 Limited export opportunities
🔷 Animal diseases
But new opportunities for meat producers will emerge, linked to sustainable or local production and geographical indications. #AgriOutlook