President @OGeblewicz, vice-president @DrenjaninJelena, @tzitzikostas, @Emil_Boc @schulzeeuropa #AndersKnape & Thomas Schmidt are participating in the @EPP Political Assembly in #Munich to discuss how to support #RuralAreas & boost innovation across Europe through regions.
How can Europe become a leader in innovation? This will depend on Europe's ability to capitalise on its strengths including the diversity of our regions which is attractive for inventors and innovators. @GabrielMariya at the @EPP Political Assembly in Munich.
No region should be left behind. Communities in rural areas should be able to reap the benefits of education & innovation but also offered the opportunity to contribute to them without having to leave. This is why we want to target strategic industries through innovation valleys.
2/3 households have high speed internet but this falls to 1/6 in the case of #RuralAreas. We need to invest in broadband and speed up the process to have better jobs and boost innovation in rural areas. @Emil_Boc at the @EPP Political Assembly. #EPPMunich