
After 14 years of Tory Government, if you're in desperate need of an alternative to their divisive, hard right nonsense, you might like this - you can pre-order a signed copy here

[2024-02-27 18:41 UTC]

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@CarolineLucas Will read - and if it's a progressive as I suspect it'll get big support from Scotland. England needs a positive position to get behind.

@CarolineLucas totally agree and it was true on those NF posters from the 70s that the Conservatives stole all their policies from.

The rise of hate in England is off the charts, because of the mobilisation by Farage, Johnson, Braverman, Badenoch, Anderson et al.

I left England because of this. I now live in Scotland where I will do all I can to achieve #ScottishIndependence

England needs a multi generational de-radicalisation programme and I *really* don't have the time.

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