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Letošnji @BledStratForum še en dokaz, da je učinkovita graditeljica mostov. Čeprav majhna diplomacija, imamo v mednarodni skupnosti pomemben vpliv. 2000 udeležencev, 160 panelistov & 15 zunanjih ministrov, navdihujoči pogovori & številna srečanja ob robu to potrjujejo.


RT @Bujar_O: Grateful to the host @tfajon for organizing а regonal MFAs meeting on the sidelines of .

Continued dialogue and exchange of views always pays off in strengthening region's long-term stability & prosperity.


Short meeting with Tony Blair, ex primer minister & @InstituteGC chairman. Very glad to host him at the @BledStratForum!


RT @metinalista: NEW! 101: @tfajon, Minister of Foreign Affairs @MZZRS

About 17. @BledStratForum, importance of stability in Western Balkans for the future of EU, spread of harmful content online and SLO candidacy for non-permanent @UN SC member.


RT @MevlutCavusoglu: Diplomatik ilişkilerimizin 30.yıldönümünde Slovenya Dışişleri Bakanı Tanja Fajon ile başta Bosna Hersek olmak üzere bölgesel gelişmeleri ele aldık.
Met w/FM @tfajon of Slovenia at . Discussed the latest developments in Bosnia & Herzegovina and other regional issues.🇹🇷🇸🇮


RT @FinancialTimes: European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said that the commission was working on 'emergency intervention' as well as structural reforms to the electricity market of the continent


Very glad for having an opportunity to present the Distinguished Partners Award to my friend @MiRo_SPD. We have a history of not only energetically promoting the , but also equally energetically climbing the highest mountain 🏔 🏳️‍🌈
RT @BledStratForum: We are delighted to present the recipient of the BSF Distinguished Partner Award: Mr Michael Roth
Mr @MiRo_SPD represents the values of @BledStratFo…


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon & španski zunanji minister @jmalbares sta na prvem dvostranskem srečanju govorila o nujnosti, da ohranimo v našem fokusu in poudarila pomen sodelovanja v . Letos državi obeležujeta tudi 30. obletnico vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov 🇸🇮 🇪🇸.


RT @MZZRS: 🇸🇮🤝🇹🇷

Ob robu je imela ministrica @tfajon prvo dvostransko srečanje s turškim zunanjim ministrom @MevlutCavusoglu. Razpravljala sta o vojni v Ukrajini 🇺🇦, vlogi Turčije v pogajanjih in o . Veselimo se poglobitve prijateljskih vezi med državama!


S španskim kolegom @jmalbares sva se ob robu @BledStratForum sestala na bilateralnem srečanju. Strinjava se, da ne sme pozabiti na . Spregovorila sva tudi o vojni v in energetskih izzivih, s katerimi se sooča. 🇸🇮 🇪🇸


Very glad to host you at the @BledStratForum, dear colleague!
RT @JoaoCravinho: Many thanks to all onstage for making it a very interesting session, and to @tfajon for the invitation to be in beautiful .


RT @BledStratForum: @tfajon: “We are losing a strategic focus of what unity is about and the values of Europe. /…/ In this war we really neglected the question of the Western Balkans. /…/ We should just deliver our promises because people don't trust us and they don't trust us in the Balkans.”


@a_schallenberg @MevlutCavusoglu @RauZbigniew @thordiskolbrun @LaurenceBoone @jmalbares @JoaoCravinho Was great to have you here, dear Alexander!


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon at the panel titled "How many Europes in Europe?": The sanctions against are necessary. We have to say who started the war. There is no alternative if we want to preserve peace & stability, but we have to keep consequences in mind.


.@BledStratForum It unfortunately seems the overtime lost strategic focus in the and neglected the region’s problems. The EU must deliver our promises. will continue to support the on its way to the EU.


.@BledStratForum “Green transition is not an opprtunity, it’s a must. I hope we’ll work faster on renewables. We have to be optimistic, because pessimism doesn’t solve problems.”


This autumn will be a big test for the , when we’ll need to explain energy-related measures-affecting citizens’ lives-to our citizens.This will be yet another reason to keep our unity. Also because much bigger things are at stake. Rules-based international order is endangered.


RT @BledStratForum: How many Europes in Europe?
@jmalbares (@MAECgob), @LaurenceBoone (@francediplo), @MevlutCavusoglu (@MFATurkiye), @JoaoCravinho (@nestrangeiro_pt), @tfajon (@MZZRS), @thordiskolbrun (@MFAIceland), @RauZbigniew (@PolandMFA), @a_schallenberg (@MFA_Austria)


RT @BledStratForum: @tfajon, @MZZRS: “I appeal from this podium today to sovereignists and populists across Europe not to trade EU unity, solidarity, compromise and joint efficiency for egoism and cheap political points in domestic political arenas.”


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