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Final thought of my welcome address at the : “Do not leave @BledSlovenia without trying the soft power of this place - sweet cake , swimming in the lake & walk around it. All this is part of the experience called the @BledStratForum!”


Ne glede na to, koliko izzivov v in svetu je pred nami, dokazali smo, da jih lahko premagamo le s sodelovanjem & solidarnostjo. Kjer je solidarnost, je tudi upanje za prihodnost. Ponosna na prvi @BledStratForum, ki ga gostim. Čestitke tudi ekipi 🙌🏼


RT @MZZRS: | Že večkrat smo pokazali, da lahko s solidarnostjo in sodelovanjem premagamo vse izzive, ki so pred nami. Tam, kjer obstaja solidarnost, pa je tudi upanje za prihodnost. Želim vam zanimive razprave in prijetno bivanje na čudovitem Bledu. - Ministrica @tfajon.


RT @MZZRS: | The 🇪🇺 requires a glue – the shared values of the , human rights and media freedom – to solidify its structure. It is not only prosperity, but also these values that make Europe such an attractive place to live for its citizens. – Minister @tfajon.


RT @MZZRS: | The world needs a much more effective multilateral system to deal with global challenges such as the war in . Slovenia 🇸🇮 is fully committed to multilateralism and will continue to strongly promote cooperation within the @UN. – Minister @tfajon.


RT @MZZRS: Welcome to the 17th @BledStratForum!

This year's forum takes place amid very challenging times. War on European soil & this new reality have chosen 's main topics: the strategic consequences & challenges it has created for Europe, the & the world. – Minister @tfajon.


The 17. edition of @BledStratForum entitled “The rule of power or the power of rules” kicks off! Delighted that we have attracted so many distinguished guests at such short notice. Thank you to each & every one of you for joining us in !


RT @vladaRS: Srečanje s hrvaškim predsednikom vlade @andrejplenkovic ob robu @BledStratForum o medsosedskih odnosih in najbolj aktualnih evropskih temah s poudarkom na energetski krizi.


RT @MtM68: Minutes before the start of the @BledStratForum. Current and former SecGen know how tense minutes before the start are. Congratulations to the team and @tfajon for yet again a wonderful conference. Looking forward to listening to discussions. @MZZRS


RT @BledStratForum: Speakers: @jmalbares (@MAECgob), @LaurenceBoone (@francediplo), @MevlutCavusoglu (@MFATurkiye), @JoaoCravinho (@nestrangeiro_pt), @tfajon (@MZZRS), @thordiskolbrun (@MFAIceland), @RauZbigniew (@PolandMFA), @a_schallenberg (@MFA_Austria)
Moderator: @NikGowing (King's College).


Islandsko kolegico @thordiskolbrun sem povabila na sprehod po Radovljici. Bilo je kratko in sladko: obiskali sva čokoladnico, Čebelarski muzej in se sprehodili po mestnem jedru. Hvala direktorici @RadolcaSlovenia za odlično vodenje po mestu ;)


RT @PresidentISL: Good plenary talks with President @BorutPahor and Foreign Ministers @thordiskolbrun & @tfajon on 🇸🇮🇮🇸 relations and the security situation in Europe. The future of our continent relies on both independence & interdependence and it's vital to stay united in defence of our values.


Dopoldne smo z delegacijo predsednika Islandije Guđni Thorlacius Jóhannessona, v kateri je tudi zunanja ministrica @thordiskolbrun, v predsedniški palači med drugim govorili o nujnosti spoštovanja mednarodnega prava v luči vojne v Ukrajini in možnostih sodelovanja. 🇸🇮🤝🇮🇸 @MZZRS


RT @MZZRS: | At @BledSlovenia 🇸🇮, Minister @tfajon will host the 17th @BledStratForum under the title "The Rule of Power or the Power of Rules?" Over 160 speakers from all over the world will take part in the 2⃣-day forum. Minister will also hold several bilateral meetings.


RT @MZZRS: | Ministrica @tfajon bo na @BledSlovenia 🇸🇮 gostila 17. @BledStratForum, ki bo potekal pod naslovom "Vladavina moči ali moč pravil?" V 2⃣ dneh bo na forumu sodelovalo več kot 160 govorcev iz celega sveta. Ob robu bo ministrica opravila tudi več dvostranskih srečanj.


Congratulations to & for reaching a compromise deal over the distribution of exit & entrance documents. facilitated Dialogue under @JosepBorrellF proves to be efficient. Looking fwd to welcoming both MFAs at the @BledStratForum on Monday!


RT @strankaSD: je predstavila tudi strategijo stranke na lokalnih volitvah in posebej poudarila veselje, da se v tekmo za nov županski mandat podaja tudi Tina Gerbec, županja Občine Kanal ob Soči, ki je, kljub številnim preprekam, opravila izjemno delo.


RT @strankaSD: .@tfajon: “Ne le županje in župani, tudi državni svetnik @tomazhorvat in evropski poslanec @MatjaNemec so s svojim delom dokazali, da ljudje lahko računajo na nas, da smo tu vedno, ne le pred volitvami, ne le, ko so obeti dobri, ampak vedno. Ker je naš cilj drugačna Slovenija.”


RT @strankaSD: Socialni demokrati smo se danes množično zbrali na srečanju območne organizacije Nova Gorica. @tfajon se je zahvalila za izjemno delo in rezultate, ki jih stranka dosega na širšem Goriškem.


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