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RT @TheProgressives: At the EU has proven leadership in the global fight vs. climate change.
A new fund for most vulnerable countries linked to a more ambitious plan to cut emissions (✊@TimmermansEU) is a real breakthrough to keep 1.5C target alive & turn COP into a success.


To the far right: Bella Ciao by

“The list of those complicit in the damage to Europe’s identity is growing by the day. Every time we concede, our values take another blow.“
RT @PSnaEuropa: 🗞️🗞️🗞️
To the far right: Bella Ciao



To the far right: Bella Ciao by

“The list of those complicit in the damage to Europe’s identity is growing by the day. Every time we concede, our values take another blow.“
RT @PSnaEuropa: 🗞️🗞️🗞️
To the far right: Bella Ciao



I’ll be speaking now at Health Data Forum 2022 in the closing ceremony.

It’s amazing to see academia, researchers, medical associations, startups and bigger companies, as well as policy makers and others to discuss and share perspectives on health data uses and potentials.

RT @hospitalfuturo: DAY 2 Health Data Use Cases & Round Table


"air pollution is killing us."
RT @DrMariaNeira: We keep accumulating evidence. Air pollution is killing us. Any doubt? ⁦@COP27 leader’s decisions can change this. What are you waiting for?


RT @HCWHeurope: Members of the MEP interest group on are united against the health threat of . Follow to see their message for World Antimicrobial Awareness Week

@RipaManuela @nicustefanuta @wienerofficial @woelken @spietikainen @sara_saracerdas


To the far right: Bella Ciao by

“The list of those complicit in the damage to Europe’s identity is growing by the day. Every time we concede, our values take another blow.“
RT @PSnaEuropa: 🗞️🗞️🗞️
To the far right: Bella Ciao



RT @EuropeanCancer: 🎙@sara_saracerdas MEP, @eu40

Access to screening & early detection can be improved using digital transformation 🤖 & innovative trainings for 🩺

👨‍⚖️Decision-makers have the responsibility to listen the workforce sector & act accordingly


RT @eu40: EU40 is at the for the “Reflections on the Present and Future of Cancer Care” discussion with our MEP @saracerdas !



No telejornal @rtpmadeira - apresentei o relatório em que estarei a trabalhar nos próximos meses no Parlamento Europeu sobre a nova estratégia da Comissão Europeia para as regiões ultraperiféricas (RUPs). Leia aqui mais sobre o assunto:


Esta semana con varios representantes de comunidades indígenas de países latinoamericanos para discutir los impactos del cambio climático. Es más claro que nunca que la crisis del clima y la biodiversidad son una realidad del presente.


Importante oportunidade para trocar sinergias e debater prioridades e desafios comuns que requerem a nossa atenção e ação, juntamente com os representantes das RUP, europeus e nacionais. O evento assinalou também a transição da presidência da Martinica para as ilhas Canárias.


Hoje, na 26ª Conferência das Regiões Ultraperiféricas (RUP), no Parlamento Europeu, em Bruxelas, com a Comissária @ElisaFerreiraEC e o Secretário de Estado dos @AEuropeus @tiagoant.


Equipa Jovens Europeus - Escola Básica e Secundária de Machico:
Equipa Unidos pela Europa - Escola Secundária Francisco Franco:

Saiba mais em


Recebi hoje os vencedores da 3ª edição do concurso (edição 2021/2022) no Parlamento Europeu, em Bruxelas.

Recorde as equipas vencedoras desta edição, cujo tema era “A União Europeia: que futuro?" no âmbito da Conferência sobre o Futuro da Europa⬇️


RT @TheProgressives: Today at COVI committee's debate on the impact of the pandemic on the labour market, we reiterated our priority: essential workers across sectors - from nurses to truck drivers - must be better protected by the 🇪🇺 in the future @josiannecutar


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