We're very happy to see social.network.europa.eu/explo, a instance run for the by the European Commission (@EC_DIGIT + @EDPS). Hopefully it will grow and improve fast. The sooner ResPublicae.eu becomes redundant, the better.

Given the changed circumstances, there's no longer a need to consider offering local accounts in the future. The frontpage has been updated accordingly.


This service is experimental and offered without promises of permanence.

We're mostly a privacy-friendly mirror or proxy which offers some more features than by virtue of integrating directly on the .

A long-term service for the EU's communication on social media would be useful, but we're not such a service. (A suitable institutional home would need to be found.)

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

As long as we're running, our APIs are open. In case of shutdown, we'll do our best to deposit an dump on , so that any research value of the dataset isn't lost.

The overall database we can share in but no single license on the text and media would be available.

Some data scrubbing might also be needed if doesn't yet provide a native way to provide dumps of public-only information.

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