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Volksverlakkerij en bedrog. Als mensen denken dat ze duurzaam beleggen, moet dat wel kloppen.

In Europa maak ik mij sterk voor betere wetgeving zodat je niet groen kan zeggen zonder groen te doen!


For a list of all international publications see
RT @tiesjoosten: Allememachies. 26 journalisten, 11 publicaties, 9 media, 838 fondsen, 130 duizend beleggingen en een totale waarde van 619 miljard euro.

M'n hoofd doet er een beetje pijn van.

Maar da's ook weer snel over als je resultaten overal in Europa ziet 💚

Hieronder som ik ze op.


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So I ask @McGuinnessEU: bring forward the revision of the sustainable finance disclosure regulation and ban the use of green claims for brown funds. End/


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His investigation makes one thing clear: transparency alone isn't enough. Regulators should sanctions funds that say they're green, but fund brown. And regulation needs to improve. With clearer minimum standards for green products. To say you're green, you need to be green. 5/


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Is it all bad? No. EU rules brought the transparency that allowed for this investigation to take place. And on January 1st new rules enter into force that make greenwashing harder and allow for better supervision by regulators 4/


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People want to invest their money sustainably but even if they try, the EU's legal framework isn't a guarantee that green claims are true. These risks are known, see my comments for the @FT 3/


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Over the last years, I've worked hard within the European Parliament to address greenwashing in the financial sector. This investigation shows we still have a long way to go 2/


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HALF of the greenest investment products on the financial market invest in fossil fuels.

Revealing investigation by @FTM_nl @handelsblatt @el_pais @lemondefr @borsendk and others. 1/


RT @karel_lannoo: ‘Efficiency is important, but fairness even more important in tax systems’, MEP @paultang in @EU_Taxud conference . But we need openness in international tax discussions.


Bono is a committed European, he said this morning on @franceinter. Shame his commitment doesn't extend to paying his fair share of taxes!

He wants the benefits, but not the costs
RT @franceinter: "Moi je suis européen", clame le chanteur Bono. "Mais l’Europe est une pensée qui doit devenir une émotion. L’Europe est un concept un peu froid. La Grande-Bretagne va regretter d’être sortie de l’UE. Mais l’Irlande prospère grâce à l’Europe."


A single market levy is one of those taxes that will make 🇪🇺 fit for future. The EU provides a single market and large corporations benefit from this. So let’s apply the benefit principle and make these companies contribute


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We all know the saying "no taxation without representation". But the reverse is true too. You need taxation to have the deep democratic debate that parliaments demand.


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Higher labour mobility (due to of digitalisation + Covid) already created a race to the bottom in income taxes. Experts, including @delaFeriaR are warning us, but EU remains reluctant to address this


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Too many EU discussions on taxation take place behind closed doors. To make policies fit for the 21st century, they need to be made in the open


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Global agreement on minimum tax is the result of this. At a time when international cooperation was at rock bottom, cooperation on taxes continued


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Megatrends (low trust, growing isolationism) point towards competition, not cooperation on tax. But politics is made by crises and the climate and energy crises call for strong government, putting taxes front and centre.
RT @paultang: This morning I'll be speaking at @EU_Taxud's first ever Tax Symposium. Together with 🇪🇸 minister @NadiaCalvino and prof. @delaFeriaR we'll discuss the 🇪🇺's tax mix for the future!

📺Watch via


This morning I'll be speaking at @EU_Taxud's first ever Tax Symposium. Together with 🇪🇸 minister @NadiaCalvino and prof. @delaFeriaR we'll discuss the 🇪🇺's tax mix for the future!

📺Watch via

❓And ask questions using hashtag


Bij debat wordt steevast nadruk op anonimiteit gelegd.

Zullen we in de praktijk dan ook meer contante betalingen gaan zien!?


Paul Tang boosted

A well-designed net wealth tax can raise revenue and tackle inequality, argues the FT's Martin Sandbu :-)

Could not agree more! ⁦@TheProgressives⁩ ⁦@paultang⁩ ⁦


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