HALF of the greenest investment products on the financial market invest in fossil fuels.

Revealing investigation by @FTM_nl @handelsblatt @el_pais @lemondefr @borsendk and others. ftm.eu/green-investments 1/

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597

Over the last years, I've worked hard within the European Parliament to address greenwashing in the financial sector. This investigation shows we still have a long way to go 2/

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597

People want to invest their money sustainably but even if they try, the EU's legal framework isn't a guarantee that green claims are true. These risks are known, see my comments for the @FT
ft.com/content/4800d071-0464-4 3/

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597

Is it all bad? No. EU rules brought the transparency that allowed for this investigation to take place. And on January 1st new rules enter into force that make greenwashing harder and allow for better supervision by regulators 4/

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597


His investigation makes one thing clear: transparency alone isn't enough. Regulators should sanctions funds that say they're green, but fund brown. And regulation needs to improve. With clearer minimum standards for green products. To say you're green, you need to be green. 5/

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So I ask @McGuinnessEU: bring forward the revision of the sustainable finance disclosure regulation and ban the use of green claims for brown funds. End/

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597

For a list of all international publications see
RT @tiesjoosten: Allememachies. 26 journalisten, 11 publicaties, 9 media, 838 fondsen, 130 duizend beleggingen en een totale waarde van 619 miljard euro.

M'n hoofd doet er een beetje pijn van.

Maar da's ook weer snel over als je resultaten overal in Europa ziet 💚

Hieronder som ik ze op.

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/paultang/status/1597

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