Om duistere lobbypraktijken aan het licht te brengen, zet ik samen met NGOs een Meldpunt Schaduwlobby op.
Bedrijven mogen hun belangen verdedigen.
Maar wel met een open vizier
RT @WNLVandaag: Ons land trekt de kar als het gaat om de aanpak van belastingontwijking. Maar volgens PvdA-Europarlementariër @paultang moeten ook andere Europese landen snel volgen. Stoten we bedrijven hiermee niet te veel af? Vrijdag is hij te gast in #GoedemorgenNederland #WNL
Tax share buybacks now!
RT @DantonsHead: A planetary crime.
US companies dodge taxes by routing 50% of their profits via tax havens. And it becomes more over time, not less
This is the exact reason why I visit 🇱🇺 🇳🇱🇨🇭🇮🇪🇬🇬🇻🇬 #taxtour
Apple overstag?
Telegraaf bedoelt: 'Apple eindelijk gedwongen'
RT @Kira_MPH: This week is the European Gender Equality Week!💪 Many measures are needed to fight gender inequality. One of them is: TAX💰 Here’s why👇 @EP_Taxation #EPGenderEqualityWeek #eudk
Competition Policy and the #DMA need to work next to each other and together. That’s why we ask to continue ongoing investigations and use effective remedies.
Yesss @AholdDelhaize. Way to go! #trackingfreeads
It is Gender Equality Week in @europarl_en! And when I think of gender equality, I think of... taxation 🤓
Let me tell you why!
Good session with @benjaminangelEU at @AccountancyEU, under the fine moderation of @femkegroothuis.
How to green taxation and make it fit for the future.
A must know: corporate impact on sustainability.
Go for high standards.
Go @Frank_Bold and many others.
The ball needs to keep rolling. And it will. Despite the bumps on the roads. That was my message at the @CEPS_thinktank panel debate with the @TaxFoundation on the implementation of Pillar 2.
RT @amnestynl: Dit is levensgevaarlijk. In tal van landen waar wij werken heeft dit soort verbale aanvallen van politici geleid tot fysiek geweld tegen journalisten. Wees niet naïef. #Persvrijheid
A competitive country has good public services and infrastructure. Not low taxes.
But unfortunately the "we-don't-want-any-Tax Foundation" shows itself from its most stereotypical side here...
RT @TaxFoundation: 🌍 2022 International Tax Competitiveness Index
The ad lobby does not want to be confused with Big Tech
It could start by not defending the interests of Big Tech :)
Wanneer zelfs de neofascistische @IDgroupEP een rode lijn trekt en Forum voor Democratie wegstuurt...
RT @POLITICOEurope: Giorgia Meloni has just become Italy's first female prime minister.
That means 21 EU countries have now had a woman head of state or government since 1946.
Meanwhile, six still have not.
They are:
🇧🇬 Bulgaria
🇨🇾 Cyprus
🇨🇿 Czech Republic
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
🇳🇱 Netherlands
🇪🇸 Spain
Enablers or gatekeepers?
Good to meet representatives from the accountancy sector (@Deloitte, @KPMG, @PwC) in 🇱🇺 to discuss their role in the fight against tax avoidance.
RT @MChahim: Hoezo steunen @cdaeuropa en @VVD een uitzondering voor #privéjets op emissieregels? ✈️
Alsof deze rijke #grootvervuilers niet kunnen betalen voor hun uitstoot.
De omgekeerde wereld 🌍
@MinPres @Max33Verstappen
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament for PvdA / S&D Group 🇳🇱🇪🇺 • Chair of the Committee on Tax matters • Tech & Data • SDZ & AZ ⚽ •