Rigtig godt at EU nu formelt åbner for optagelsesforhandlingerne med Ukraine!❤️🇺🇦
Nu er det afgørende at Danmark og EU aktivt hjælper Ukraine med at leve op til Københavner-kriterierne så de forhåbentligt hurtigt kan blive medlemmer.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1735372722287386807#m
[2023-12-14 18:54 UTC]
Tak til
og hendes familie for at sige fra overfor Netanyahus forsøg på at misbruge den danske modstandsbevægelse til at legitimere massakren på civile i Gaza.
Jeg håber statsministeren og
vil følge opfordringen og sige fra overfor historieforfalskningen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1735382230971625933#m
[2023-12-14 19:32 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Klimakonferencen #COP28 så et rekordhøjt antal lobbyister fra den fossile brændselssektor deltage.
Mens eksperter og NGO'ere har råbt vagt i gevær - har de Konservatives @weisspernille derimod forsvaret det.
Det reagerer @nvillumsen og @PerClausen3 på 👇
#eudk #dkpol #lobbyisme
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnhedslistenEU/status/1735161908427186316#m
[2023-12-14 04:56 UTC]
Endnu engang bukker
under for
afpresning - og underminerer EU's muligheder for at handle.
Det bør nu være klart for de fleste, at von der Leyen hermed også diskvalificerer sig fra at fortsætte som Kommissionsformand.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1735015298783162871#m
[2023-12-13 19:14 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Quick reminder to everyone who thinks it's absurd that the @EU_Commission unblocks €10B for Viktor Orbán a day after Hungary passed new laws targeting the opposition, NGOs, and the remainder of independent media: Sure, it's absurd, but let's not forget that the Commission never even had any serious reservations about Orbán's previous similar crackdowns in the first place.
No EU fund was frozen due to:
-the persecution of NGOs and smear campaigns against them, going as far as hiring Israeli private intelligence firms to conduct sting operations
-the distortion of Hungary's media industry through buying up and shutting down media outlets while creating a pro-government propaganda empire exempt from anti-trust scrutiny, or discriminating media outlets through channelling all state advertisements to pro-Orbán media companies
-the illegal surveillance, including with Pegasus spyware, of the opposition, political activists, lawyers, independent journalists, media company owners etc.
-the blackmailing and harassment of businessmen–both foreign and Hungarian–to sell their assets to pro-government proxies
-detaining anti-government activists and even opposition MPs
-government-controlled authorities' harassment of opposition parties, including huge fines that may well sabotage their next election campaign
-anti-LGBT laws and government-led hate campaigns against vulnerable minority groups
-the inhumane and unlawful treatment of asylum seekers and refugees.
And I could go on for much longer, but I think this was enough to make my case.
The EU never in the first place stepped up against the Orbán regime's most serious violations of rule of law and democracy. The particular issues they raised and eventually tied to blocking EU funds were just nuisances. It was always expected from the very beginning that these funds will be unblocked sooner or later, becau…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/panyiszabolcs/status/1735026366976839954#m
[2023-12-13 19:58 UTC]
Det er godt at FNs generalforsamling endeligt har stemt for våbenhvile i
MEN hvad vil EU-Kommissionen gøre for at bidrage til at det sker?
Det vil vi nordiske medlemmer af Venstrefløjsgruppen i EU-Parlamentet have svar på!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734957669096567147#m
[2023-12-13 15:25 UTC]
It is heart breakingly sad to see that the
's invitation letter to the heads of governments does not contain the word
EU need to act on the decision in the UN and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734963016909664632#m
[2023-12-13 15:46 UTC]
Thank you to
for given me the honor to address your Congress!🙏🏻
For me it is a true pleasure to stand side by side with the European construction workers in the fight against asbestos and social dumping!💪🏼
Together we can change Europe!✊🏼🚩
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734967550595801327#m
[2023-12-13 16:04 UTC]
Vi har netop set hvad der sker når man sætter et diktatur der tjener penge på fossile brændsler til at lede klimakonferencen.
Nu vil man gøre det igen! Næste år, til
, bliver det
Det kan næsten kun gå galt!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734868755165962335#m
[2023-12-13 09:31 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: ‼️ Uber didn't get to make the law‼️
Agreement reached on platform workers directive.
It's not perfect, but it's an important step in the fight for rights & the result of 4 years' workers' struggle & a parliamentary battle led by @leilachaibi
READ https://left.eu/uber-didnt-get-to-make-the-law/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Left_EU/status/1734875952054751561#m
[2023-12-13 10:00 UTC]
I complete agree with the UN Secretary General:
must go!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734839864598610246#m
[2023-12-13 07:37 UTC]
I nat lykkedes det endeligt at lukke en aftale om bedre forhold for arbejderne hos Uber, Wolt og andre platforme.
Det er et vigtigt skridt i den rigtige retning!
Stor tak til min gode kollega
for hendes store indsats!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734836248705970359#m
[2023-12-13 07:22 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Humanity demands a ceasefire.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ProgIntl/status/1734706763029463162#m
[2023-12-12 22:48 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Når det europæiske byggarbejderforbund, @EFBWW_ afholder kongres, bliver det med @nvillumsen som en af åbningstalerne.
Han vil bl.a. tale om kampen mod #asbest.
Følg med på hjemmesiden for opdateringer og taleteksten 👇
#eudk #dkpol #arbejde
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnhedslistenEU/status/1734493602078740784#m
[2023-12-12 08:41 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Kampen mod skruebrækkeri stopper ikke!
Læs hvorfor @nvillumsen svenske @MalinBjork_EU mener konflikten mod #Tesla er så vigtig 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnhedslistenEU/status/1734500284389318871#m
[2023-12-12 09:07 UTC]
Suk - så kan man da kende
Mens andre på fornuftig vis fravælger et sted der har valgt at opsige overenskomsten, så vælger
det aktivt til!
Ren provokation og manglende respekt for de ansatte!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nvillumsen/status/1734556853076455628#m
[2023-12-12 12:52 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: 🔴 Collective punishment
🔴 Unlawful airstrikes
🔴 Collapse of healthcare system
🔴 Entire districts turned to rubble
EU foreign ministers discussing #Gaza should call out #Israel's war crimes, support accountability, #ICC
Stop double standards: https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/08/human-rights-watch-letter-eu-foreign-ministers-gaza #FAC
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/ClaFrancavilla/status/1734161614650167612#m
[2023-12-11 10:42 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: How long will there be silence in the face of Türkiye's crimes.?
Terrorist groups affiliated with the Syrian National Army, with the support of the Turkish state cut down the olive trees of Kurdish citizens in the city of Afrin “northwestern Syria” and transport them to Turkey.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/i_ibra123/status/1734267689428795487#m
[2023-12-11 17:43 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Har de @KonservativeDK ondt i lobbyhåndtering i EU?
Det spørgsmål stiller @PerClausen3 i dagens udgave af Nordjyske.
Hans spørgsmål kommer på baggrund af flere historier i pressen i Bruxelles.
#eudk #dkpol #lobbyisme 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/EnhedslistenEU/status/1734083087078674445#m
[2023-12-11 05:30 UTC]
RT by @nvillumsen: Vild artikel. NYTimes beskriver i detaljer hvordan Israels regering har støttet Hamas med penge i mange år. Netanyahu ville have et stærkere Hamas, sådan at han på den måde kunne undsige sig at skulle forhandle om en to-stats løsning med palæstinenserne. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html?unlocked_article_code=1.E00.wu7M.2t_uLCJF3aZF&hpgrp=k-abar∣=url-share
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/kristianleth/status/1733877445684547867#m
[2023-12-10 15:52 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Member of the European Parliament representing The Red-Green Alliance @Enhedslisten from Denmark. Vice-chair @Left_EU. Solidarity, Climate Justice and Democracy