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RT by @naomi_long: Speaking of Women's Aids achievements and the hard work they did to consult to ensure our legislation was informed by survivors.
Under Minister @naomi_long we had more legislation in domestic abuse in 3 yrs than the prior 20 yrs
Let's get it right and support all victims of abuse


[2023-11-24 14:28 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Julie Wilson @Justice_NI speaking about how we speak now of domestic abuse in NI supporting anyone abused by a partner ex or family member and the importance of all Departments working together to deliver strategic goals
@CommunitiesNI @healthdpt @nihecommunity @EqualityCommNI


[2023-11-24 10:09 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Highlighting the impact of the new legislation brought forward under Minister @naomi_long to support any victim of domestic abuse. Secondary legislation to further support victims is being held up by a lack of sitting Stormont.
@Justice_NI proceeds with delivering all they can👏🏻


[2023-11-24 10:12 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: @Justice_NI speaking about how far we have come. Huge amounts of work undertaken by Minster @naomi_long and her team but much more still needs to be done.

Impossible without a sitting Assembly in Stormont. Families, victims - NI - deserves better
@setrust >@SEDSVP


[2023-11-24 10:19 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: NI is the only part of the UK underfunded below our level of need.

We've lost out on up to £1bn since 2022, which could have been transformative to NI.

We need a fiscal floor to ensure NI receives enough money to deliver services for local people.

@EoinTennyson explains 👇


[2023-11-23 18:03 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: I am delighted to see this beautiful new Changing Places toilet at Bow Street Mall !! 🙂

We have been working on the toilet strategy for a long time and given the lack of changing places in town centre, the Mall stepped up! ✅️👏


[2023-11-23 19:27 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Disturbing scenes in Dublin. Thinking of all those affected. This violence is inexcusable.


[2023-11-23 20:53 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: At the APG on childcare @KateNicholl raised concerns around the rise in minimum wage following the , warning that without measures to support childcare providers it is "a recipe for disaster."

Read the Alliance Party's proposals here:


[2023-11-23 14:44 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: On Nolan, Jim Allister made an allegation about my “past political alignment” at university.

Unlike Jim, my political alignment has’t changed - nor do I cast spurious aspersions in debate.

I’m proud my commitment to a shared future is the antithesis of everything he represents.


[2023-11-21 14:55 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Even if Stormont is restored, it will not last.

Northern Ireland's political institutions have only functioned 60% of the last 25 years.

It is clear that the only way stable governance will be achieved is by reform. People deserve to have a government that works.


[2023-11-22 10:57 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Today’s announcement that the U.K. Government is withholding around £30m in Levelling Up funding from Northern Ireland is cynical and disgraceful.

The people of Northern Ireland cannot continue to be punished for the boycott of the Assembly by one party.


[2023-11-20 17:55 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: Performing Arts is rewarding
We at NACN are inclusive! Thanks to @TNLComFundNI we are able to train young people as facilitators so we can grow and become self sustainable. Barriers⛔️ include lack of facilities >@ANBorough @BeattieDoug @J_Donaldson_MP @naomi_long


[2023-11-19 15:28 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: What are we doing for men and boys in Northern Ireland? When will we invest in male health and well being to recognise their rights/needs?
@BeattieDoug @naomi_long @moneillsf @J_Donaldson_MP @columeastwood @GerryCarrollPBP @oharamal
@healthdpt @CommunitiesNI @Justice_NI


[2023-11-19 20:47 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: For men to talk, we need to build at least some services that are centred around male needs.
Then we must encourage men - letting them know we want to hear, are curious about how they are doing, will not judge them or ever think less of them for seeking help


[2023-11-19 20:51 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: My colleague @JohnBlairMLA and I have been meeting stakeholders and working to keep Lough Neagh’s issues on the table. We need a joined up approach to this and it can’t wait til the Lough is neon green again. Click the link in the tweet to view our five key actions.


[2023-11-19 20:52 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: We are so glad to have such brilliant colleagues supporting abused men in the South.
The entire team are dedicated and it buoys us up to see such great work supported and happening, 👏🏻👏🏻 @tusla
@HMcEntee and Justice IRE
Sending love and so much respect to @MensAidIreland 💙🧡


[2023-11-17 17:36 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: According to recent polling, 74% of people agree that ‘no single political party should have the power to bring down the Assembly’.

We agree. That's why we must reform Stormont and put an end to ransom politics.

@Andrewmuirni outlines our plan below 👇


[2023-11-16 18:00 UTC]

RT by @naomi_long: We are @QUBelfast today spreading our reach to anyone who needs to know about the work we do supporting men who face domestic abuse.
Every time we attend an event a disclosure of abuse is made and someone asks for help for their friend or family member.
Thanks @QUBStudents


[2023-11-16 12:08 UTC]

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