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@RangersFanNI No. I voted against it in @europarl_en.

My aim since was to get changes to the protocol secured between UK and EU to reduce the bureaucracy. That needed a reboot of relationships Boris destroyed.

WF's still imperfect, but much better than what we had.


@jreid30 No. Did I say there was? I said people should expect our politicians to take it seriously, not treat it all as a joke.

An Assembly won't fix everything, but it could start to fix some things, like the overdue reform of health that would begin to address service delays.


@MarkWilson1980 I don't find it offensive. I find it pathetic.

My view of all terrorism here is that it was never and will never be legitimate.

My priority is building a better future, where we no longer have to mourn the dead of new disputes and export our youth. My priorities are fine, thx.


@RHW11Mar @David_MSLSC Brexit. Under the new arrangements that should significantly reduce.

The 4 home nations always had differences: separate legal, education and health systems (HSCNI vs NHS England/Scotland/Wales); Civil Service; and SPS rules.

It doesn't affect sovereignty. Never has. 🤷‍♀️


@thatginamiller @CiarnMorrissey2 @EmmandJDeSouza @QUBelfast @UlsterUni As someone who opposed Brexit because I didn't want any new friction/border checks anywhere in these islands, I can nevertheless understand the basic practicalities and logistics of this, and warned those unionists who advocated for Brexit what the likely outcome would be.


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@thatginamiller @CiarnMorrissey2 @EmmandJDeSouza Why are you quoting someone with no expertise in this? Academics at @QUBelfast or @UlsterUni could explain why checks would always be at the 7 ports/airports (where pre-Brexit checks took place), not at 300 border crossings along 310mi border. Fairly self-explanatory, though?


RT @JohnMHyland_: Thank you to @allianceparty activists across North Antrim coming to support our resident survey in this evening before the heavens opening cut it short!

Be careful on the roads folks, lots of surface water - seems to be on for the night!


@Britproud1 @chhcalling They didn't. They've an 80 seat majority and the total against was 21 Tories. It would have passed easily with or without Labour?


RT @CllrMichaelLong: Wanted to see if we could start a pilot, where illegally parked cars preventing bin collections, are ticketed in a joint approach with PSNI and DFi. Hoped to raise this tonight, but DFI couldn't be bothered to show up!!


Such an inspiring family, going through so much, and yet still campaigning with dignity to help others.

Just imagine actually sitting down to handwrite a letter with sectarian remarks to that family. And then actually sending it to them.

Grotesque is right.
RT @SJAMcBride: Just grotesque: Sectarian remarks have sent in a hand-written anonymous letter to the parents of six-year-old Dáithí Mac Gabhann who have been campaigning to improve organ donation rates to ge…


@dmcbfs We've been honest - we won't be able to fix everything, but without it, we can do nothing.

The longer we waste of each mandate, the more interruption there is to continuity, the less significant reform we can get over the line.

But we can deliver real change if we stick at it.


RT @MensAdvisoryP: If you are facing abuse in NI you can always speak immediately to a fully trained specialist.
There are no waiting lists.
Call @PoliceServiceNI if in danger or to report a crime
Call @nihecommunity 24/7 for a housing solution
Call @dsahelpline 24/7 for support
You can also call


@BillyA424 @Reb_Baron @chhcalling The DUP have no serious influence left in Westminster: in a year or so, there'll most likely be a change of govt to Labour. Maybe a change of govt in Ireland, too.

Direct rule will include N/S and E/W working.

You think that'll be better for unionists than working devolution?


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@BillyA424 @Reb_Baron @chhcalling Billy, neither are you. You're arguing against operating it. Pot/kettle/black.

People are weary of stop/go government.

You saw the MPs today who would administer direct rule. > 30/650 MPs supported the DUP. How will that work out for you?

You aren't thinking this through. /1


@Rob_Alexander1 @StephenFarryMP And I'm sure not the normal service either. As I say, we can all lose track of the odd issue, but it's not the norm.


@BillyA424 @101Mothergoose @chhcalling We were. But you only hear what you want to.

It's called confirmation bias.


@AlanLove1 How? I'm not criticising his views (though that would indeed be valid): I am criticising his childish, juvenile approach, in treating such a serious issue the issue as a big game.

That's not bigotry: it's totally valid analysis of his behaviour.


@Rob_Alexander1 @StephenFarryMP Sorry to hear that. If you received an acknowledgement, you should receive a response, but any office can misplace the odd piece of correspondence. If you want to send me an email, happy to follow up.


@phillip82510147 I delivered 5 major pieces of legislation in 2.5 years, more than any other minister in NI ever has.

Maybe research your criticisms...


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