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RT @necenzurirano_: "Sliši se neverjetno, a je res. Ob nesreči, ki je bila potencialno nevarna za zdravje ljudi, poškodovala pa je za pol mesta avtomobilov, so se ključni ljudje v Zrečah odločili za molk, nekakšno kolektivno 'omerto'."

Primož Cirman


RT @AGE_PlatformEU: MEP @milan_brglez highlighted the importance of having a strong partnership between decision-makers at different levels, including at European level, to address the magnitude of challenges and tasks ahead of all of us in strengthening the rights of older people.


RT @PhiSeidel: We need to tackle the stereotypes around care, and tackling ageism, ableism and other discrminiations enables this

- @milan_brglez at conference


RT @PhiSeidel: We need a progressive alliance for a care deal for Europe and put preparing the demographic transition on par with the green and digital ones.
Care is a right and the backbone of our society.


RT @PhiSeidel: MEP @milan_brglez closes our conference .
The principle of solidarity between generations is at the heart of the European way of life.


RT @renate_anderl: Die Europäische Care Strategie im Fokus eines Arbeitsbesuchs in Brüssel. Spannendes Gespräch heute im Europäischen Parlament dazu mit Abgeordneten, Volksanwalt, Vertreter:innen von NGOs und Gewerkschaft. @Evelyn_Regner @milan_brglez @LeitaoMarquesEP @AchitzBernhard @UNI_Europa


RT @EFFAT_org: 🏡Look at our shining bright in the safe hands of 🇸🇮 MEP @milan_brglez!

As EP rapporteur of European Strategy he shared the need for improved recognition of Domestic Workers in Europe & supported EFFAT 3 demands.



RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Senator Catherine Cortez Masto won re-election in Nevada, ensuring Democratic control over at least one chamber of Congress.


RT @BernieSanders: Congratulations to @TinaKotek on her victory in Oregon. She understands that together we must stand with working families and take on special interests to address the existential threat of climate change.


RT @save_children: The IS a child rights crisis.

This Youth & Future Generations Day at we call world leaders to:

👂Listen to children like Durra & give them a seat at the table in decisions that affect their lives now & in the future!

We need inclusive 🌍!


RT @SophieintVeld: Women in must be able to protest when their sexual and reproductive rights are under attack.

Together with MEPs from across political groups, we sent a letter to the Polish authorities following the indictment of protesters.
@meps4srr @fred_matic @EPF_SRR


RT @AGE_PlatformEU:
Our virtual conference will be held under the patronage of the @EU2022_CZ. Zdislava Odstrčilová, Czech Labor & Social Affairs Deputy Minister, will open our discussions on the and in the EU.
Want to join? 👉


RT @SLOtoEU: 🇸🇮🇪🇺 Reform & digitalization of health systems, current situation, vaccines & help to Ukrainian patients were in the focus of health minister Danijel Besic Loredan’s discussions with @SKyriakidesEU @JanezLenarcic @ElisaFerreiraEC and 🇸🇮 members of @europarl_en


RT @EKvSloveniji: 🌎 Na današnji dan leta 2016 je bil podpisan Pariški podnebni sporazum.

🇪🇺 je imela vodilno vlogo v pogajanjih za sprejem prvih pravno zavezujočih mednarodnih zavez, ki jih je sprejelo 194 držav.

Naslednja postaja ➡️ svetovna podnebna konferenca , ki se začne v nedeljo.


RT @ZerjavicDelo: Eurostat: Slovenija med petimi državami EU, kjer so se cene elektrike za gospodinjstva v prvi polovici leta v primerjavi z enakim obdobjem lani znižale (po zaslugi subvencij), za 16 odstotkov. Tudi zvišanje cen plina je s 26 % med nižjimi.


RT @Gibanje_Svoboda: »Nekateri politiki zelo radi izkoriščajo tragedije 2. svetovne vojne, da umetno delijo ljudi. Dokler se bomo žalili in govorili laži o vojni, sprave ne bo.«

Ljudi moramo pomiriti, ne pa še bolj razdeliti. Martin Premk v oddaji 24ur zvečer. 👇


RT @juremes: 30+ let se je Kučan sprehajal po LJ in vozil v golfu.

Isto vsi drugi politiki, levi, desni, pikčasti.

Nobenega omembe vrednega incidenta.

Kaj se je spremenilo?

Nova24tv, Domovina, Radio Ognjišče, Družina, kopica kvazi medijev SDS.

Kaj se je spremenilo, še enkrat?



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