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S torka na sredo je v požaru umrl eden od izbrisanih. V Sloveniji je živel od 1978, zaradi izbrisa je ostal brez pravic. Obnemogel je živel v prikolici brez vode, elektrike in ogrevanja.
Počivajte v miru, gospod Tešanović. 🖤 /1


RT @antonioguterres: Mahatma Gandhi was an uncompromising advocate for peaceful co-existence, non-discrimination & pluralism.

The new installation located at @UN Headquarters will serve as a reminder of the values Gandhi upheld, and to which we must remain committed.


RT @vladaRS: Popoldne se je premier dr. Golob srečal tudi s slovenskimi poslankami in poslanci v Evropskem parlamentu, govorili so o aktualnih temah.


RT @ZerjavicDelo: Bruseljski bel dim tudi za BiH: svet EU (GAC) je podprl podelitev kandidskega statusa tej državi. Zadnjo besedo bo imel sicer vrh EU v četrtek.


Optimism and positive energy ahead of tonight’s vote on the report on a Directive on improving working conditions in platform work paid off. On route to decent working conditions for all workers 💪🏻 Congratulations to @gualminielisa @TheProgressives


RT @AuschwitzMuseum: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

stands as a symbol of rejection of human rights. On   we must remember about our moral responsibility for others. , & human rights should be protected every single day.


RT @Agonhamza: "Revolutionary politics is not a matter of "opinions," but of the _truth_ on behalf of which one often _is_ compelled to disregard the "opinion of the majority" and to impose the revolutionary will against it." -- Žižek


RT @TheProgressives: We’re live in Vienna for the S&D Western Balkan Leaders summit.

We're discussing the progressive vision for enlargement with high-ranking politicians from all WB countries aspiring to join EU inc:


Stream here:


Public money should not be fueling a race to the bottom for working people.

It's time to fix the Public Procurement Directive.


Iskrene čestitke na novim izvoljenim županom @strankaSD v občinah Kranj, Murska Sobota, Jesenice, Tolmin. Hvala vsem za vaš glas socialni demokraciji. Trdo bomo delali, da opravičimo in še pridobimo vaše zaupanje. Nocoj smo veseli, jutri nas čakajo novi izzivi. Smo pripravljeni.


Iskrene čestitke tudi vsem na novo izvoljenim županom v mestnih občinah Celje, Nova Gorica, Maribor @matijakovac, Samo Turel, Saša Arsenovič. Veseli me vaš rezultat, in veselim se dobrega sodelovanja. Hvala vsem, da smo uspešno zaključili naporno volilno leto. Posebej volivcem.


RT @llisjak: Kranj, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Velenje, Jesenice, Ajdovščina ... Izmed političnih strank je SD največja zmagovalka letošnjih lokalnih volitev.


RT @strankaSD: Iskreno čestitamo novo izvoljenemu županu Murske Sobote Damjan Anželj. Trdo delo Socialnih demokratov v minulih mandatih in številni izvedeni projekti v občini so bili nagrajeni in prepoznani kot prava smer razvoja. Za to vse čestitke tako Damjanu kot njegovi ekipi.


RT @Eurodiaconia: Eurodiaconia online conference “Making Care Work a Job of Aspiration” with MEP Milan Brglez has started ! Looking forward to productive and informative discussions on growing demand and labor shortages throughout the care sector across Europe.


RT @MatjaNemec: Predsednica Evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen je odgovorila na pobudo o vzpostavitvi vseevropskega mehanizma za upravljanje in obnovo pogorišč, ki sva jo s kolegom @milan_brglez podala nanjo in na predsednika češke vlade Fiala.

🟢 Več na povezavi 👇


Fantastic news and a great leap towards the 🇪🇺 of equality!👩🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦰Congratulations to @MarcAngel_lu, @Evelyn_Regner, @helenadalli, their teams as well as all others who worked very hard for this success.
RT @MarcAngel_lu: We have a preliminary deal! @TheProgressives long standing demand for finally is coming true with a deal at 2:00 AM this night! A great success for our @helenadalli and all women in Europe. As strong @europarl_en we close the


RT @UrosEsih: Nemško veleposlaništvo brani Slovenijo pred Grimsom in njegovo zlorabo nemške zgodovine za potrebe SDS:

"Takšno enačenje, ki ni le neutemeljeno, temveč tudi nevarno, omalovažuje dogodke, ki so sledili nacionalsocialističnemu prevzemu oblasti."


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