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During her beautiful, moving speech at the European Parliament for the women of Iran, my dear ex-colleague @abiralsahlani cut her hair in symbolic solidarity.
We must stand with her, and with them.
RT @abiralsahlani: Traditionen att klippa av sig håret i protest är tusenårig.
Den visar att ilskan är starkare än förtryckarens makt.
Irans kvinnor har fått nog.
EU borde visa samma mod och ge dem fullt stöd.


RT @TimothyDSnyder: To consider regarding nuclear blackmail: when you give in to it, you empower dictators to do it again, encourage worldwide nuclear proliferation, and make nuclear war much, much more likely.


RT @JorgeGalindo: ¿Más claro? Vale:

Los PGE 2023 traen 19.500M€ extra para pensiones, y 390M€ extra para becas.

Esas son las prioridades actuales de nuestro estado de bienestar.


Congratulations @johnvanreenen ! Looking forward to reading it!
RT @johnvanreenen: Great to see the cover on my new book with @ufukakcigit Coming soon from @Harvard_Press


RT @johnvanreenen: Great to see the cover on my new book with @ufukakcigit Coming soon from @Harvard_Press


RT @BrianCAlbrecht: What should I read to learn price theory?

That’s the most common question people ask me in my DMs/email.

Here are the (mostly free) books that I recommend to people to start learning price theory 🧵


RT @CheloAlvarez29: @lugaricano Perturbador. Muy perturbador.
¡Qué razón tenía usted en todo!
Se debería haber cortado la dependencia energética desde el primero momento y ejecutado las sanciones completas.
No hay negociación con un autócrata imperialista mesiánico tan peligroso para la estabilidad del mundo.


Muy interesante esto de @toniroldanm sobre todo lo que hemos aprendido sobre cómo tomamos de verdad las decisiones.
RT @toniroldanm: En verano me puse a escribir sobre muchas de las cosas que aprendí en política, que nunca me enseñaron en la facultad de economía. Salió este texto que ahora publica @PoliticaProsa

Lo escribí pensando en mis colegas economistas. Ya me diréis si os ayudó.


RT @DorianAbbot: Rigor is extremely important in all courses, but especially introductory ones that help determine who ends up being a doctor. We all suffer when professors are punished for demanding excellence from students.


Incentives, and organization, matter hugely for performance. Exampe: perverse incentives at Google that make the product worse.

h/t @raffasadun
RT @petergyang: Google insiders explain why Google launches many products and then abandons them.

Hint: It has to do with chasing promotions. 🤦‍♂️


RT @lugaricano: @elonmusk @ZelenskyyUa Mr Musk: A question for you.

Taking Putin's threats at face value and proposing UKR give in to them (as you have done) has the following impact on the probability that Putin makes new threats/raises the nuclear stakes:


@elonmusk @ZelenskyyUa Mr Musk: A question for you.

Taking Putin's threats at face value and proposing UKR give in to them (as you have done) has the following impact on the probability that Putin makes new threats/raises the nuclear stakes:


RT @ZelenskyyUa: Which @elonmusk do you like more?


Vale la pena leer la llamada a la prudencia fiscal de @toniroldanm "Como aprendimos en la crisis del €, la eurozona sufre una fragilidad de diseñ un día para otro la eurozona puede sufrir un ataque especulativo que termine en profecía autocumplida"


Fascinante. Empiezan a entender que una economía con el PIB de España (o de Florida) no puede vencer a un ejército valiente y motivado que tiene el apoyo económico y militar de todo Occidente.
RT @JuliaDavisNews: Tonight on Russian state TV: the mood is grim, look at their faces. Dmitry Sablin, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee, admits that Russia desperately needs "to stop and regroup" and is experiencing all sorts of shorta…


@ben_golub He is rightly doing a victory lap. Authoritarian alternatives in Russia and China (which gave us Covid, Zero Covid, housing crisis, tech collapse in just a year) not looking that impressive now, are they?


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