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RT by @lugaricano: Quite something to complain about how not enough American journalists are reporting on the Russian side of Putin's invasion of Ukraine when two of them – Evan Gershkovich and Alsu Kurmasheva – are *in jail right now* for doing just that


[2024-02-06 19:10 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: On Trump’s orders, Republicans in Congress are rejecting the border security deal. They’re also abandoning America’s allies in Ukraine. Trump and the GOP are losing the war on purpose in an inexcusable betrayal that will strengthen America’s enemies for years to come.


[2024-02-06 02:58 UTC]

The most consequential economic chart of the next decade: as real estate investment collapses, China is using massive export subsidies to export its way out of trouble.


[2024-02-06 07:31 UTC]

En abierto: ¿Cuál debe ser la postura geoeconómica de España? ¿Qué hacemos con las inversiones saudíes en Telefónica, las de BlackRock en el sector energético, las de Huawei, ...?
Escribo sobre "Capital o Control: El dilema geoecómico de España"


[2024-02-05 10:16 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: 1/2. Huele a que el único objetivo del Gobierno al separar la parte de Energía de la @CNMC_ES y recuperar la antigua Comisión Nacional de la Energía es poner de Presidente de este futuro organismo a Mariano Bacigalupo, marido de la Vicepresidenta del Gobierno @Teresaribera


[2024-02-05 10:32 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: My takeaway from visiting our Ukrainian friends is clear: It is still in our core interests to help Ukraine win and end this war.

It will be far more costly and dangerous if Putin wins.


[2024-02-05 18:20 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Un abultado gasto público no garantiza el bienestar social, un buen resumen de @Ygrojo sobre el reciente estudio con @JavierAndresDom @lola_gadea y E. Bandrés
cc @BBVAResearch


[2024-02-04 08:27 UTC]

If you do not have access to the NYT article challenging all previous evidence- free, ideological reporting on transgender issues, this is a good summary thread.
When the Opinion section has to cover the news that the news section is afraid to cover.


[2024-02-03 01:26 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: You don't spend decades building a network of proxies to exert 24/7 control over them. They're "proxies" - they act in alignment with your agenda.

Everyone in USG knows this -- so messaging like below is intended *only* to indicate we don't want to hold fully accountable.


[2024-02-02 00:14 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: I wrote that when I became Trump’s national security adviser, I assumed the gravity of his role would discipline even him. I was wrong. His erratic approach to governance and his dangerous ideas gravely threaten American security. GOP primary voters should take note. More in the @WSJ.


[2024-01-31 21:41 UTC]

Great thread, answering a cool question anyone who has seen Manzanares (Madrid non river) will have had.


[2024-01-31 23:41 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Learning about U.S. history from a series of outstanding amicus briefs. Here's one about an event highly relevant to Trump v. Anderson. Please read and share.


[2024-02-01 01:20 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: I remember this morning very well. I had spoken to @elonmusk by phone earlier and written a column in @nytimes for that morning and then went on the air with the news. The truth is I thought the comp plan was the most “skin in the game” in history. I still do. I have criticized CEO comp a lot — but not this package. Without the incentives, he could have easily stepped down as CEO and then where would have @Tesla been? Admittedly, I was skeptical he’d hit the most ambitious targets of the package. But he did — having put his entire comp at risk. Isn’t that what we want when we say “pay for performance?”


[2024-02-01 01:51 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: It's too bad that EU leaders think they have an edge when they drown businesses and the economy with regulations.


[2024-01-31 11:51 UTC]

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