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If you are donating to @amnesty , this is an excellent moment to stop. They have long not been what they were.
RT @POLITICOEurope: A study by Amnesty International that criticized the Ukrainian military was denounced as "false" and "propaganda" by government authorities in Kyiv.


RT @COdendahl: I never thought I’d see the day. 82% of Germans favour extension of power, 41% even a longer term use.

Only 15% favour turning them off as planned at the end of 2022.


Y una amiga de Sánchez más. Y van decenas.

Quienes defienden la empresa pública deben reconocer que no defienden un concepto abstracto de propiedad pública, sino la realmente existente: empresas que se usan para saquear al erario y enchufar a amiguetes.


RT @rglucks1: Ma gauche est solidaire des démocrates ukrainiens et taïwanais face aux tyrans de Moscou et Pékin, défend la liberté face aux régimes autoritaires et vote pour accueillir les démocraties finlandaises et suédoises dans l’OTAN.
Elle ne s’effacera pas et affirmera ses principes.


RT @JorgeBustos1: Libero Grassi, a diferencia de sus vecinos, no creía que la verdadera indignación pudiera ser silenciosa. Así que aquella mañana envió una carta al Giornale di Sicilia con este encabezado: «Querido extorsionador».

Mi columna en ⁦@elmundoes⁩:


@martinvars To show to our friends that we care and will not be bullied. The question remains, whether we will.


Nunca imaginé que leería esto: "científicamente, la muerte es un proceso biológico que es tratable y reversible."

("Científicos resucitan los órganos de cerdos muertos")
RT @OlafStorbeck: Err, nothing I fancy reading befor the first coffee tbh 😬👻


Usar techos de precios para luchar contra la inflación nunca funciona. Lo hemos visto miles de veces, ahora en Budapest.
RT @TheAnnaGat: Just got off phone with friend on holiday in Budapest - looks like you can restart socialism in one week: price of gas is now capped, gas stations either have shortages or massive lines. Black market and cheating resumed too: gardeners fill car tanks with gas, get it pumped out


@sbuhai Je suis assez émerveillé par sa modestie, sa clarté et sa générosité envers les autres (dans la conférence d'avril 2022 donnant crédit à tout le monde etc)


@sbuhai Peut-être que je ne comprends pas le mot en francais, mais le fait qu'il ait dit "suite" m'a fait penser que c'était une deuxième partie de quelque chose! merci en tout cas!


@sbuhai Merci! Le problème est qu'il y a une séquence de conférences sur plusieurs années sur Mean Field Games, mais on ne sait pas comment ça commence ou comment ça se termine. Par exemple, je n'ai même pas trouvé le premier!


@stevenstrogatz Maybe Gmail knows something you don't know! What if you have been making it up all your life-- have you considered that! ;-)


J'essaie de regarder les conférences de Pierre-Louis Lions sur la "Théorie des jeux de champ moyen". Ils semblent être, au hasard, sans numérotation, sur le site du Collège de france. Quelqu'un a-t-il essayé d'organiser ce matériel?


RT @emmabonino: L'accordo di coalizione tra @Piu_Europa/ @Azione_it e il @pdnetwork è per me dettato nel non volere assumere la responsabilità politica di regalare un solo voto alla destra putiniana e orbaniana e per portare avanti l’agenda Draghi.
L'intervista a @qnazionale


About time. Germany cannot ask for solidarity from others if it does not do the minimum effort itself.
RT @spectatorindex: BREAKING: Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz says it 'makes sense' to keep the country's nuclear plants running


RT @Austan_Goolsbee: I agree with @jasonfurman's thread on the Inflation Reduction Act and would observe a few things (1/4)

1) The WSJ editorial page claim that the middle class will pay more taxes is just factually wrong--seems to deliberately misread the distribution table.


From Ukraine, a powerful indictment of the post-modern (academic) left--not unlike all the other previous extreme left movements in history, every time choosing the wrong side of history, every time allying themselves with oppressors and mass murderers.
RT @rynkrynk: Back when I was a sociology student at Kyiv-Mohyla, I was stupidly, shamelessly enamoured with the collective western Left. I dreamed of a day when Ukrainian academia w…


A great thread from @R2Rsquared : yes, there were accidents, but no, Central Banks are not innocent. You need to be ready for when bad stuff happens.
RT @R2Rsquared: ** The burst of high inflation in 2021-22: How and Why?

I just released a paper based on several talks I’ve given over many months (starting with Markus Academy @markuseconomist and ending with @BIS_org) on why monetary policy did not stop inflation rising in 2021-22 …


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