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@WielandVolker We need to use nuclear energy fracking and whatever else it takes rather than funding Putin's war machine. I have said it here as well.
Happy? ?s=20&t=kYzqzz5JJ273IkFdfNKHbA
RT @lugaricano: President von der Leyen, a gas ban is possible. We aren't even trying. If Europe does not stop funding Putin, history will not see us as bystanders. History will know we were complicit.

My speech in the European Parliament 👇


Is this a coincidence? Anyone wants to believe the gas really is about "descending into poverty?" Or is there a common explanation for "no weapons" and "no gas embargo"
RT @visegrad24: Heavy weapons donated to Ukraine:

T-72M1 tanks (100+), BWP-1 (nr unknown), 122mm 2S1 Gozdzik (20+),BM-21 (20+), AAM R-73 (100)

Strela-10M SAM, T-72M1 tanks (12+), BVP-1/Pbv 501A (5+/56),
152mm vz. 77 DANA (20+), RM-70 (20+)

S-300 SAM (…


@M_De_Nardi All of Lucas is well written. Rosen Authority, Control... is very well written. Kremer O-Ring.


RT @ben_moll: Excellent @BILD interview with Abhijit Banerjee & Esther Duflo

1. Why an energy embargo would not be an economic catastrophe

2. How German industry & unions and the economists close to them fear monger to influence @Bundeskanzler & co

(Use your browser to translate)


Análisis del mal plan español de intervención de los precios del carbón y el gas.
RT @juliancubero: Why Spanish-Portuguese proposal to intervene in wholesale energy markets is problematic cc @rdomenechv


RT @shoshanazuboff: Friends, Musk/Twitter headlines are all variants of ‘what will Elon do?’ It’s a signal of how lost we are. We obsess over one man and his whims because we don’t yet have the democratic rule of law needed to govern our information spaces. Without law power is dangerous.🧵[1/8]


RT @eduardosuarez: Hay una cierta izquierda que lleva décadas luchando (¡con razón!) contra la violencia machista y que ahora en cambio ignora o minimiza o justifica las violaciones de mujeres y niñas en Bucha. A favor de los derechos humanos en Texas o Palestina pero no en Ucrania


RT @eduardosuarez: Hay una cierta izquierda española que lleva décadas (¡con razón!) sacando de las cunetas a los asesinados hace 90 años por las tropas de Franco y que ahora calla o ignora o minimiza o justifica las fosas comunes de


RT @navalny: 1/31 Truth and free information hit Putin's insane regime just as hard as Javelins.
This is a thread about opening the second front against the war criminal from the Kremlin — the informational front.


RT @ThomasPHI2: The EU must impose a tariff on Russian energy imports. NOW!

Why a tariff? Because, unlike an embargo, it does not have to start at 100% and it can be adjusted.

That should defeat Germany's shameful opposition to an embargo.

And it sets the stage for credible further actions.


Attention : we are publishing a lot of interesting analysis of the "Economic Consequences of War" in @voxeu (see thread). I want to call attention of those teaching Micro/Trade that the analysis yesterday by John Sturm is teachable at all levels. Higly recommended
RT @lugaricano: John Sturm (@mit @ivanwerning) makes a simple, beautiful analysis of EU tariffs on energy imports:
- Tariffs could weaken the Russian economy …


.@apvjustino (@UNUWIDER) explains findings that vulnerability and resistance of civilians in wartime depend on three factors:
1.The nature of violence.
2.The effectiveness of coping strategies.
3.Civilians’ own agency.


Sumru Altuğ AUB (@AUB_Lebanon), Sevcan Yesiltas (@kocuniversity) show that sanctions generated significant uncertainty on Russian firms and that investment in the non-financial sector declined after the sanctions were imposed.


John Sturm (@mit @ivanwerning) makes a simple, beautiful analysis of EU tariffs on energy imports:
- Tariffs could weaken the Russian economy while simultaneously making EU better off.
- Even when larger they'd come at a lower cost to the EU (13.04.22)


RT @ThomasPHI2: A mixture of disingenuous (we’ll do something by end of 2023), irrelevant (impact on other countries), and completely wrong (Bogus idea that Russia does not need energy revenues to finance the war).


@VicenteTen @CiudadanosCs @CsCValenciana Muchas gracias por tu trabajo @VicenteTen Ha sido un verdadero placer siempre trabajar contigo. Espero que tú y tu familia estéis bien
Fuerte abrazo y muchas suerte.


Today it has been one week since the overwhelming vote of the @europarl for a boycott on Russian gas and oil. Since then, we have continued funding Putin's war to the tune of more than $5bn in the last week.

As I argued then, we are not even trying. This must stop.
RT @lugaricano: Today, by an overwhelming majority, the European Parliament voted for an immediate embargo on Russian gas and oil (513+, 22-, 19abs)

The people of Euro…


Lo frase "Buque de guerra ruso, jódete", última comunicación del guarda aduanero ruso desde la isla de la Serpiente, iba acorazado Moscú, hoy hundido.
RT @lugaricano: El sentido del humor y la increíble resiliencia de los ucranianos son evidentes constantemente.

Por ej. el lema "Buque de guerra ruso, jódete", omnipresente: en la aplicación de la compañía telefónica, escrito en un puente y en la camiseta del técnico …


RT @fromTGA: Record current account surplus for due to sky-high energy prices still being paid by many European countries to Russia… Whatever you think abt proposed embargo, let no one say this is not a European tragedy...


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