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RT by @lugaricano: I have lost my mentor. Robert Solow was my thesis advisor, and being named the Robert Solow professor of economics at MIT was the proudest day of my life. There will be times for elogies. Meanwhile, RIP Bob, with infinite thanks.


[2023-12-22 07:46 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: RIP. Bob Solow an absolute giant in Economics, has passed away at age 99. Tremendously influential in the profession and one of the key founders of the MIT Economics department as we live it today. Will be sorely missed.


[2023-12-21 22:47 UTC]

If you want to understand what was agreed with respect to the fiscal rules, this is the thread.


[2023-12-21 07:55 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: So disappointed in our elected officials in the U.S. Congress today. They have had months to pass this new aid package to Ukraine. And they couldn't get it done -- a signal of weakness to our foes around the world, and not just in Moscow.


[2023-12-20 04:54 UTC]

Vean este hilo sobre los efectos formales (elevados) y reales (minúsculos) de la reforma laboral. Así se evalúan las políticas públicas. Gran contribución.


[2023-12-20 12:07 UTC]

Que un estado tan endeudado como España pida 2 mil millones prestados para invertir en empresas privadas es un despilfarro. Que lo haga Sánchez, con su manía de colocar a sus amiguetes en consejos y cargos, arriesga la existencia de una de nuestras empresas punteras.


[2023-12-19 22:47 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: More evidence that Judith Rich Harris got it right: children's personalities are shaped by genes, peer culture, &amp; many small random influences, not parenting.


[2023-12-19 16:11 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Iran takes advantage of media focus elsewhere to intensify its executions


[2023-12-19 10:08 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: What Greek shipping oligarchs want you to think: the G7 cap is unenforcable. That way it drops off the agenda &amp; dies. But that's false. Russia's biggest exit point for oil is its Baltic ports. Those oil tankers all go through the Danish Straits. The G7 cap is totally enforcable.


[2023-12-18 15:34 UTC]

Este trabajo concluye que todo el efecto de la reforma laboral es cosmético. A pesar del cambio contractual, la duración real no ha cambiado.


[2023-12-18 09:41 UTC]

Todos los demagogos son iguales. Del Atlantic en 1932:
"Al no darse cuenta de que la civilización es una estructura construida lentamente por un procedimiento ordenado y respeto por la ley, él está totalmente a favor de la acción inmediata. Quiere aplicar sus ideas de inmediato violando de la ley, si es necesario. (...) Hitler todavía está en la etapa tribal. Él es, de hecho, un jefe tribal y un buen jefe.
En la mente de Hitler, la palabra 'propaganda' parece no tener ninguna relación con la verdad. La masa de la humanidad es un instrumento para ser manipulado, nada más. La propaganda es un medio para hacer que la gente crea lo que es efectivo en ese momento para moverlos a hacer lo que él desea. No se involucran consideraciones morales. Su mente está en la etapa de rebaño, y él es tan materialista en su política como Freud en su psicología. Desprecia completamente la inteligencia del pueblo, parece ignorar completamente los efectos nocivos de una dieta de mentiras. Está deliberadamente construyendo sobre la debilidad de la mente colectiva, y en esto él demuestra ser un verdadero demagogo"


[2023-12-18 06:12 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Okay, I had the time to read this over. In the past, I did not mince words much. I do not see the reason to do any mincing now.

There are six replies that must be made to this piece.

First: Zucman (I am assuming he also speaks for the other two musketeers) is goalpost-shifting. The argument that used to be made was that inequality followed a strong U-curve with a precipitated fall between 1941 and 1947. The trough lasted to 1980 and continued since and exceeding the level of the 1920s. That narrative and timing makes it easy to justify tax policy correctives. However, they now say "inequality is higher than in the 1960s" which is not the same statement. Indeed, saying it increased allows for a rapid level-change from 1980 to 2000 with no change since (I am speaking pre-tax and pre-transfers). That is not "denying" inequality (a cheap shot against Splinter and Auten). This obfuscates from the obliteration of two previous goalposts they used. The first is that the levelling of the U-curve is actually more gradual and most of it happens during the 1930s with the depression -- 80% to 85% of the decline in the top 1%'s share happens from 1929 to 1941. That makes it harder to focus on tax policy as the driving force (the wiping of capital gains during the depression is). Second, it eliminates the claim that inequality is forever rising. Shifting goalposts is what this is! But these two points that they had been making been making for a decade no longer apply regardless of the criticism here.

Second: The issue at hand is how to harmonize the definition of income according to different sources so that they become consistent. This can be broken down into two periods (pre-1960 and post-1960). PSZ claim that since fiscal income accounts for 60-70% of national income, any levelling would have to be because the rest has become more equally distributed. That assum…


[2023-12-17 20:29 UTC]

Shocked and saddened by the sudden and premature passing of Philippe Martin. A wonderful economist and a wonderful person.


[2023-12-17 20:37 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Pensamiento de suma cero, por @lugaricano
El bajo crecimiento económico expande esta mentalidad en la sociedad, en batallas redistributivas regionales e intrageneracionales, en lugar de buscar soluciones a sus causas


[2023-12-17 08:12 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Pertinente -inquietante- pieza de @lugaricano sobre el pensamiento de suma cero y sus consecuencias sobre una sociedad -la española- pendiente de capturar rentas grupales antes que de innovar, crecer, prosperar.


[2023-12-17 08:51 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: This is undoubtedly just the beginning of a new age of scientific discovery


[2023-12-15 21:18 UTC]

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