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RT by @lugaricano: This editorial makes good points but misses crucial ones. In return for amnesty Puigdemont et al should declare loyalty to the constitution. And @FT should note that Spain would be better served by Socialists and PP collaborating on the basics. via @ft


[2023-11-06 21:04 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: 1⃣ ¿No has leído aún nuestro editorial de hoy sobre el acuerdo por la amnistía del PSOE y ERC? Abrimos 🧵con los principales puntos de nuestro análisis:


[2023-11-06 14:27 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: A month after the massacre, a month into a horrific war in Gaza, Israel is still led by an "extremist, insane, dangerous entity" and a PM who cares only for his own survival. No point even talking about the day after the war while that remains the case.


[2023-11-06 09:06 UTC]

Once again,
shows the path when it comes to freedom of speech. Read this pitch perfect letter from President Paul Alivisatos. Campuses do not need to be such a mess.
(No, removing posters is not protected speech; neither is threatening or intimidating others.)


[2023-11-03 16:06 UTC]

Henry Farrel and Abe Newman are presenting their book on geoeconomics: "Underground Empire" at LSE. My notes from their presentation:
- 1990s view was that geopolitics was irrelevant; globalization would result in harmonious competition and cooperation.
- But global networks that were supposed to hold the world together have been means used by powerful governments to achieve their geopolitical objectives.
- Key moment: after September 11, 2001, the US realized how to use the networks of which it is the center (Internet/ communications/NSA as revelead by Snowden and Swift/payments) to choke terrorism.
- From then on, the US had learned about its superpowers and started throwing its weight around, with unintended consequences.
- Policy makers need a strategic understanding of benefits and drabacks of weaponized interdependence. Right now governments do not have the expertise to think long term of potential escalation. Authors refer here to "The Economic Weapon", by Nicholas Mulder (2022), on how economic warfare worsened the catastrophic escalation of tensions in the 1930s.


[2023-11-02 19:29 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Puede ChatGPT descifrar el Lenguaje de la FED? Según sus researchers cada vez lo hace mejor y es + Dovish (como los humanos)👇 @Manuj_Hidalgo >@rdomenechv @david_cano_m @Rafaelpampillon @josecdiez @FUNCASES @AngelUbide @lugaricano @Aebanca @AsociacionTCEE


[2023-11-02 10:29 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Prominent Kremlin critic @navalny has been in prison for over 1000 days. Three of his lawyers have been arrested, and a fourth has fled the country.

His new lawyer wrote for @MoscowTimes about why he decided to represent Navalny despite the risks.


[2023-10-31 12:47 UTC]

El día de la votación del levantamiento de la inmunidad dí las gracias a los diputados socialistas por votar con la mayoría que "nadie está por encima de la ley" frente a la extrema derecha y la extrema izquierda.
Pobre España.


[2023-10-30 20:33 UTC]

Russia is exporting near record amounts of oil this month. It can to do that - even as Greek oil tankers pull back (blue) - because Greek shipping oligarchs sell their old ships to the shadow fleet (grey). The EU should have banned this a long time ago. It needs to do that now...


[2023-10-30 15:27 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: "Nothing has prepared me for the antisemitism I see on college campuses now," new from @BerkeleyLaw Dean Erwin Chemerinsky.

Behind a paywall, but here's the beginning.


[2023-10-30 00:09 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: @GitaGopinath: "As for industrial policies, think time-bound, well-targeted to address market failures, and well-governed to prevent rent-seeking and loss of competition...For many industrial policies, these conditions are not met." vía @ft


[2023-10-29 20:56 UTC]

Not long ago, anti-semitism seemed gone for good.
But it was simply dormant.
It is back, as a dominant ideology, in campuses and in the streets across the globe from Rotterdam to Hamburg to Dagestan


[2023-10-29 22:47 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: One of the most highly indebted countries in the Euro zone - Italy - is also running the widest budget deficit. The underlying issue is that ECB bond buying is keeping Italian yields artificially low, so there's no incentive for Italy's politicians to confront the debt overhang.


[2023-10-29 17:30 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: 📢 (1/6) My job market paper uncovers an intriguing trend: 50% of British Muslims opt to marry someone from their country of origin. Join me as I reveal the reasons behind this choice! 🧵


[2023-10-29 12:32 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: El nuevo consenso de Washington y la estabilidad global, por @lugaricano

La globalización ha sacado a millones de la pobreza. Debemos aspirar a un orden mundial para los intereses de muchos, no de unos pocos


[2023-10-29 08:21 UTC]

A good interview of the executive editor of the
. But the executive editor comes up really badly. Apparently trusting a terrorist organization with the credibility to inform a headline on killing hundreds of people was mistaken only "in hindsight."


[2023-10-23 23:19 UTC]

R to @lugaricano: Evidence. On the left, a 2011 paper on how to measure the credit cycle. On the right, a pretty sharp Q1 2016 prediction on China using that measure.


[2023-10-21 08:36 UTC]

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