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There are many, many memorable things. But I am going to stay on one that seems obvious to many of us, foreign friends of the US, and yet seems impossible to understand for many in progressive America. (last par)


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RT @simonmontefiore: Tonight one can only smile and celebrate the writer of this dark and wry beautifully-written wit: ‘the trouble with life’ wrote Martin Amis. ‘The dialogue is poor or at least violently uneven’…’and always the same ending’.


An important thread for those who have forgotten what is at stake in Ukraine.
h/t @MESandbu
RT @Mylovanov: NYTimes publishes a (paid) letter by 14 US national security experts. Jeffrey Sachs among the signees.

It calls for peace by stopping to support Ukraine.

Every claim it makes is misguided and uninformed. The arguments in the letter are embarrassingly weak. 1/


Great Bob Lucas obituary by @DelphineStrauss in @ft, with good research, quotes by @HansbergRossi , @ojblanchard1 etc.

Was Lucas' wrong about "depression prevention"?
A depression was prevented post GFC, except where politics made it impossible (Greece)


Excellent thread by @Isabel_Schnabel on financial stability and monetary policy in the Euro area today.

I hope her confidence in the resilience of the Euro area banking system is justified.
RT @Isabel_Schnabel: Yesterday I spoke at a conference at @FMG_LSE @LSEnews in honour of the much-admired Charles Goodhart about whether monetary and financial stability can be separated (“separation principle”). Here is the obligatory thread on the main points, details are f…


Amazing Hannah Gray, @uchicago President 1977-93. She went back to research, publishing 3 books in her 80s. She is now 93, teaches a class and is writing a book ("I think about 1 1/2 years remaining"). As sharp and fun to talk to as ever.


RT @ChrisGiles_: Good news on gas prices continue

Europe’s reference spot price is now below €30 a MWh….

Looking almost normal

This has been a triumph of the resilience of modern advanced economies and their ability to adapt and substitute.

(Politics worked well too, for once)


One of the many tell-tale signs of bias in the NYTimes terrible obituary of Robert Lucas.

Read the convoluted sentence. It misses one key name: in 1995, Clinton was running the US economy for 3 years.

Lucas was no partisan. He was above all, a scientist in pursuit of truth.


RT @krassenstein: Former National Security Adviser John Bolton says that World Leaders Consider Trump a 'Laughing Fool'.

When asked about Trump claiming he'd quickly end the Russia/Ukraine war, Bolton, who worked under the Trump White House in 2018-2019, gave his assessment:

"I have been in…


"Brexit has failed ", Nigel Farage.
No more questions, your honor.

Time to start undoing the damage and rebuilding the single market.
RT @mikegalsworthy: 🔥 Extraordinary moment.

Nigel Farage just said on Newsnight: “Brexit has failed”

He volunteered that himself. I also recall him once saying that if Brexit turned out to be a failure, he’d leave the country. I very much look forward to that.


Rob Shimer, the Chair of @UChicago 's Econ Department e-mail announcing to the department Robert Lucas passing explains wonderfully how important was his contribution to Macroeconomics. I post it with his permission, with the caveat that it was meant for Lucas' collegues here.


My paper with @johnvanreenen and Claire Lelarge in the AER, and a lot of my research with Esteban Rossi-Hansberg on the knowledge economy, owes a debt to this pathbraking paper
My intellectual debt with Bob Lucas is huge.


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It was the 3rd year of our PhD. After two gruelling years (the Core, with less than 50% pass rate on Year 1, the Prelims, with another 50% of students gone in Year 2) we were having our first reception as "real" grad students outside in the Social Science Quadrangle of @UChicago.


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RIP Robert Lucas. A wonderful teacher, the deepest of thinkers and un unbelievably clear, insightful writer.

He was always obsessed by ideas, always going deeper. An anecdote from my graduate school years tells a lot about his obsessive drive to learn and to understand.


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