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@jeuasommenulle Come on, ECB money IS money: here is a direct quote from Hernández de Cos (BdeE governor) speech 17/10/2022:
"As a consequence of the forecast of negative results... , logically, we do not expect that,..., the Bank of Spain will continue contributing income to public accounts"


Los secuestros/deportaciones de niños ucranianos a Rusia (confirmados por Rusia) son uno de los mayores crímenes de esta guerra-sus secuelas seguirán vivas dentro de medio siglo. Siento impotencia y rabia al leerlo.
RT @TheStudyofWar: Russian officials continued to admit that is deporting Ukrainian children to Russia under the guise of adoption and vacation schemes.


Gran noticia que el Tesoro y la Alcaldía se unan para intentar traer a España la Autoridad Antiblanqueo. Madrid tiene la capacidades financieras y tecnológicas y la red de transportes para ser sede de esta importante agencia. @EPoptcheva
RT @carlos_cuerpo: Presentamos, junto con el alcalde de @MADRID, la candidatura de la ciudad como sede de la Autoridad Europea de Lucha contra Blanqueo Capitales y Financiación Terrorismo



Frenazo en seco de la demanda esperada de hipotecas (escala derecha, curva azul) según la encuesta del @bce a los bancos. Empezaremos a ver caídas fuertes de los precios inmobiliarios y parón en construcción. Via
@atalaveraEcon @OxfordEconomics


RT @amjorge15: Tremendo este gráfico de Airef sobre la distribución del coste de las diferentes medidas en materia de energía y transporte por deciles de renta. La mejor repartida es la rebaja de impuestos a la electricidad, la peor, la gratuidad en trenes de media distancia.


RT @RobinBrooksIIF: All that Euro zone gloating over the UK is completely off the mark. The UK is allowing price discovery in the bond market, which is not the case for Italy in the Euro zone. UK policy is getting a firm "No" from markets and will adjust accordingly. That's not the case for Italy...


This is your reward, Mr Hu, for playing by the rules and leaving after two terms... A naked display of power by Xi in front of the world.
RT @FridaGhitis: Former Chinese leader Hu Jintao taken out of the Chinese Party Congress — apparently against his will. What happened? Hu was China’s top official before Xi. Did he oppose Xi’s historic power grab?
CNN reporting on the incident censored in China


Beautiful answer from Draghi: These things are overdrawn, Italy is strong and will do fine without me (not literal quote).
Italy, and Europe, owe a lot to him.
RT @mariatad: My last question to Draghi


RT @COdendahl: I find it remarkable that those proposing various caps on gas prices in Europe have yet to come up with a workable proposal.

The Iberian exception is clearly and predictably unworkable.


Por eso la excepción ibérica es una idea terrible: cálculos para Alemania muestran que duplicaría el uso de gas para producir electricidad.
RT @GeorgZachmann: The "Iberian exception" could be a substantial draw on scarce gas supplies!

German power plants would in specific situations use TWICE as much natural gas, if the gas price were subsidized from 150€/MWh to 50€/MWh!

[thx to @c_heussaff for calculations!]


Norway and Switzerland are indeed good models- because they are both inside the Single Market. UK chose to leave the single market and even the customs union, raising enormous trade and non trade barriers. That is the reason for the enormous cost of Brexit.
RT @JohnHCochrane: No, they are being destroyed by their incompetent handling of Brexit. Switzerland / Norway / Singapore-on-Thames not bad models. A pro-growth island using its…


La mejor explicación del bien diseñado plan alemán. Subsidia un porcentaje del consumo *pasado*. Así ayuda a las familias y les da un incentivo para ahorrar energía (al contrario que el absurdo sistema español que está manteniendo el consumo constante).
RT @LionHirth: Germany's "gas commission", a body of experts and stakeholders, has published recommendations how to ease the burden for citizens and industry.

Core to this is a mech…


RT @BallouxFrancois: This is an important piece of work. To me, it looks solid both conceptually and methodologically. I was given advance warning and was able to replicate the key findings. To the best of my knowledge, I confirm the reported patterns are genuine.


Wow. I took this extraordinary picture. A bird crashed against the building window @Columbia_Biz and left a clear and precise imprint of its shape.


El programa moves han sido 545 millones tirados a la basura- 0 effecto en ventas--ha servido para que los mismos se compraran los coches que ya se iban a comprar. Algo que anunciamos en el minuto 5:45 de este video. ?s=48&t=-vtFwDOQZPnFhY-CbqbcVQ
RT @JuanLuis_JG: Evaluación del programa MOVES (subsidio a la compra de vehículos eléctricos en España) estima efectos nulos sobre las ventas (o, como máximo, del 1% en algunas CCAA).

Es d…


A peek behind the curtain. Extraordinary interview.
RT @DanJohnsonNews: Conservative MP Charles Walker seems broken by tonight's events - tells @BBCNews he is livid with colleagues


Desde el 2019, salvo 20,000 millones que han comprado los bancos, el BCE compra TODA la deuda que emite España. Los demás venden
• los fondos de pensiones han vendido 1700 millones,
•Las aseguradoras 6000 m,
•Los fondos 4800m,
•Los inversores privados de 500m


Otro paralelo. El Reino Unido es el segundo con la mayor deuda exterior neta del mundo según el FMI.
¿A que no saben cuál es el tercero, a pesar de ser una economía mucho menor?


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