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R to @lugaricano: Is this causal? A large literature tries to figure that out (see e.g. Mountjoy and Hickma, 2021). But the share of people attending has not been changing sufficiently to explain away these trends.
If you can, go to College. Just choose wisely your major!


[2024-01-13 21:36 UTC]

Econ theorists: paper utilizes preference orderings to arrive at the pseudo welfare theorem-- seems to create direct bridges to Econ Theory


[2024-01-11 18:52 UTC]

The biggest shock - to me - since Russia invaded Ukraine is the EU. It gave in to Greek shipping oligarchs who lobbied against a low G7 price cap and who continue to sell their oil tankers (blue) to Putin for his shadow fleet (grey). Narrow commercial interests dominate the EU...


[2024-01-11 17:21 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Meten consolidado sociedades que no controlan. Lo dicen las ccaa. No hay NADA que hacer.


[2024-01-09 13:10 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: La historia económica de España y muchos de los problemas actuales no se entienden sin la influencia de los grupos de presión y los pactos de sangre de las élites con el poder político.

En una semana en todas las librerías. Ya disponible la preventa.


[2024-01-09 09:07 UTC]

The FT just published online my analysis of the new EU fiscal rules (tomorrow on paper). The new rules don't deal with (in fact make worse) the key problem of the old rules: the Commission cannot hold a big member state accountable. Hence, they will not work.


[2024-01-08 18:12 UTC]

I don't often make recommendations. But: "The Eight Mountains" is a breathtakingly beautiful story of friendship, love and time.


[2024-01-07 21:28 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Como apunta @lugaricano, la solución pasa por crecer y reducir las emisiones, como ya ocurre en muchos países. Esperar que la descarbonización descanse en el decrecimiento no será factible social y políticamente en las economías avanzadas y aún menos en los países en desarrollo


[2024-01-07 19:17 UTC]

Escribo en
sobre "El delirio del decrecimiento". Crecer no supone necesariamente utilizar más recursos. Pensadlo de esta manera: ¿pesan más vuestro regalos de Navidad que hace 30 años?


[2024-01-07 10:13 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: New commentary piece in the @WSJ . The lack of ranged weapons for Ukraine supplied by the administration is now ridiculous, with Russia bombarding Ukraine anywhere it wants. Does the administration actually want Ukraine to win the war?


[2024-01-02 05:52 UTC]

Jesus Fernández-Villaverde escribe hoy un magnífico artículo en El Confidencial profundizando sobre las consecuencias de la mentalidad de suma cero y conectándola con el deterioro institucional que sufrimos.


[2023-12-23 10:58 UTC]

Can an entire country spend a morning watching a white noise time series -- a series of random numbers read out loud for hours on end?
Yes, if it is Lotería de Navidad day in Spain and the Gordo has still not been announced. Here is the moment that redistributes .2% of GDP.


[2023-12-22 12:27 UTC]

R to @lugaricano: Prize money: €2.6 bn.
And an excellent paper using this literal experiment experiment to study impact of Economics on voting behavior.


[2023-12-22 12:33 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: RIP. Bob Solow an absolute giant in Economics, has passed away at age 99. Tremendously influential in the profession and one of the key founders of the MIT Economics department as we live it today. Will be sorely missed.


[2023-12-21 22:47 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: What Greek shipping oligarchs want you to think: the G7 cap is unenforcable. That way it drops off the agenda &amp; dies. But that's false. Russia's biggest exit point for oil is its Baltic ports. Those oil tankers all go through the Danish Straits. The G7 cap is totally enforcable.


[2023-12-18 15:34 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Okay, I had the time to read this over. In the past, I did not mince words much. I do not see the reason to do any mincing now.

There are six replies that must be made to this piece.

First: Zucman (I am assuming he also speaks for the other two musketeers) is goalpost-shifting. The argument that used to be made was that inequality followed a strong U-curve with a precipitated fall between 1941 and 1947. The trough lasted to 1980 and continued since and exceeding the level of the 1920s. That narrative and timing makes it easy to justify tax policy correctives. However, they now say "inequality is higher than in the 1960s" which is not the same statement. Indeed, saying it increased allows for a rapid level-change from 1980 to 2000 with no change since (I am speaking pre-tax and pre-transfers). That is not "denying" inequality (a cheap shot against Splinter and Auten). This obfuscates from the obliteration of two previous goalposts they used. The first is that the levelling of the U-curve is actually more gradual and most of it happens during the 1930s with the depression -- 80% to 85% of the decline in the top 1%'s share happens from 1929 to 1941. That makes it harder to focus on tax policy as the driving force (the wiping of capital gains during the depression is). Second, it eliminates the claim that inequality is forever rising. Shifting goalposts is what this is! But these two points that they had been making been making for a decade no longer apply regardless of the criticism here.

Second: The issue at hand is how to harmonize the definition of income according to different sources so that they become consistent. This can be broken down into two periods (pre-1960 and post-1960). PSZ claim that since fiscal income accounts for 60-70% of national income, any levelling would have to be because the rest has become more equally distributed. That assum…


[2023-12-17 20:29 UTC]

RT by @lugaricano: Pensamiento de suma cero, por @lugaricano
El bajo crecimiento económico expande esta mentalidad en la sociedad, en batallas redistributivas regionales e intrageneracionales, en lugar de buscar soluciones a sus causas


[2023-12-17 08:12 UTC]

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