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RT @AmjadMKhanEsq: An astonishing specimen of systemic hate in in 2022: a Muslim bride must publicly curse the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in order for her marriage to be legally accepted


A classic in the "unintended consquences" genre! How a law forcing disclosure of "sesame" as ingredient increased (!) the use of sesame.
Remember: incentives matter. When proposing well meaning solutions, those making public policy need to consider how they change incentives.
RT @AlecStapp: Instant nominee for the “unintended consequences of public policy” hall of fame


RT @bgrahamdisciple: My son, who is a software engineer, just told me that people who know software just had their Elon Musk realization.


Vergonzosa e incomprensible decisión de la CNMV no encontrando "concertación"- no existe explicación alternativa. Aquí lo explica @cultrun
RT @mirandola1964: La SEPI y sus ‘mariachis’ por @cultrun


No a la división, sí a la defensa de los valores constitucionales que nos unen.

No a la erosión de las instituciones democráticas, ni a su uso partidista.

Feliz Navidad.


Ucranianos preparando esta noche, haciendo sus compras de Navidad, asesinados sin piedad en Kherson.

Ojalá puedan ustedes derrotar esta invasión en 2023 y los ucranianos puedan vivir un futuro pacífico, democrático y europeo, Sr.@ZelenskyyUa .
RT @ZelenskyyUa: This is not sensitive content – it's the real life of 🇺🇦.
Kherson. On the eve of Christmas, in the central part of the city. It's terror, it's killing for the sake of intimidation and pleasure.
The world m…


Excellent interview (gated) with @R2Rsquared, one of the few economists who was ahead of the inflation spike. Optimistic (hope he is right) on QT (he does not think it is needed), inflation (coming down, expectations anchored); less so on debt.


El precio del gas natural, en los menores niveles desde el principio de la invasión. Las economías europeas agradecerán el suave invierno.
RT @LionHirth: Gas prices taking a nosedive

TTF front month and front year now trading well below 100 €/MWh.

Cal-23 stands at 95, a full 5% down since yesterday. This is the lowest price in half a year.


RT @OurNewsRev: JUST IN: The Office of the Attorney General of The Bahamas announced the extradition to the United States of Sam Bankman-Fried (“SBF”), the former CEO of FTX. SBF will depart from The Bahamas for the United States tonight.


Surprised by new (Gallup/US daily tracker based) well-being ranking by @D_Blanchflower @AlexanderBryson. Little makes sense-not the position of US States (South Dakota 4- Italy 142?) not of countires (Somalia and Venezuela higher than Portugal, SPA, ITA?).


I honestly thought the 180 degree turn of this China propagandist on Zero-Covid in 19 days was a parody. It turns out it is real. Sad, and funny.
RT @fryan: The PRC's propaganda system involves repeating the official view of those in power.

When this view abruptly changes, the propaganda must also change swiftly, which can be quite jarring for the audience.

This desperate 180, captured by @serpentza, is a classic example.


RT @nicolas_veron: Greece should rehabilitate its former chief statistician Andreas Georgiou, and stop persecuting him. @kmitsotakis


Enhorabuena @josecapmany ! Es posible: Investigación de frontera en física desde la Universidad de Valencia.
RT @fotonica_21: 🏆@josecapmany, galardonado con el Premio Física, Innovación y Tecnología 2022 otorgado por @RSEF_ESP y @FundacionBBVA por sus contribuciones pioneras a la fotónica aplicada al desarrollo de redes de telecomunicaciones avanzadas. ¡Enhorabuena!

👉Más info:


La reforma del código penal supone que los políticos se ponen a sí mismos por encima de la ley.

Por el camino Venezuela, no de Dinamarca.

Explicado muy bien por Lucía Pedreña, abogada del estado


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