Cieša sadarbība aizsardzības jomā starp partneriem ir Ziemeļeiropas drošības pamats. Pēc manas iniciatīvas un ar Apvienotās Karalistes kā ietvarnācijas atbalstu rīt Rīgā norisināsies trešā Apvienoto reaģēšanas spēku valstu un valdības vadītāju sanāksme. @JEFnations #JEFtogether
RT @Brivibas36: 🇱🇻 Rīgā 19. decembrī pēc Ministru prezidenta @krisjaniskarins iniciatīvas un ar Apvienotās Karalistes kā ietvarnācijas atbalstu norisināsies trešā Apvienoto reaģēšanas spēku…
Close defence cooperation of strong partners is at the core of Northern European regional security. Looking forward to host the 3rd @JEFnations Leaders meeting in Riga tomorrow to discuss further steps in strengthening our defence and continuation of our support to Ukraine!
RT @Brivibas36: 🇱🇻 On 19 December, Riga will host the third summit of the Joint Expeditionary Force (@JEFnations) convened on the initiative of the Prime Minister of Latvia @krisjaniskarins wit…
Congratulations to @LeoVaradkar returning as Taoiseach of Ireland. Looking forward to continue our excellent cooperation at #EUCO, as well as strengthening our bilateral cooperation, also tied by our Latvian community in Ireland. 🇱🇻🇮🇪
@eduardheger @NATO Thank you @eduardheger for your congratulations! Look forward to meeting you in Riga next week to talk about deepening the 🇱🇻🇸🇰friendship and strengthening #NATO Eastern flank.
Thank you @SecBlinken for the greetings! Looking forward to work on strengthening the friendly 🇱🇻🇺🇸 ties, our partnership and cooperation in areas of security and economy.
RT @SecBlinken: Congratulations to the newly formed Government of Latvia. I look forward to continuing to work with Prime Minister @krisjaniskarins and Foreign Minister @EdgarsRinkevics to expand U.S.-Latvian relations, uphold shared values, strengthen @NATO, and respond to Russia’s aggression.
Today at #EUCO we reached important agreement on the 9th package of sanctions against Russia and on the necessary 18 billion € macro – financial assistance to Ukraine. In the 10th month of this brutal war, we remain united in our unwavering support to Ukraine.
@GiorgiaMeloni Grazie! Thank you @GiorgiaMeloni for your kind words and congratulations! Look forward to deepening the 🇱🇻🇮🇹 friendship ties and continue to work together for stronger 🇪🇺.
@sandumaiamd Thank you @sandumaiamd ! Latvia will continue to support Moldova on it’s path to the EU and assist with the reform process! 🇱🇻🇲🇩
In light of Russia's war against Ukraine, we need to
🔹 continue support Ukraine in all ways;
🔹 use of the EU collective purchasing power to set a realistic price cap on natural gas;
🔹 continue our dialogue with our US partners and find a good way to move forward. #EUCO
RT @EUCouncilTVNews: Arrival and doorstep by @krisjaniskarins Prime Minister of #Latvia at the #EUCO taking place on 15 December 2022 in #Brussels.
"It is extremely important that we as #EU conti…
@Tsihanouskaya @edgarsrinkevics Thank you @Tsihanouskaya for your kind words! Latvia's support for free and democratic Belarus will continue!
@JustinTrudeau Thank you @JustinTrudeau for your congratulations! Looking forward to work together on strengthening regional security, widening our cooperation and deepening of friendship ties!🇱🇻🇨🇦
@Denys_Shmyhal Thank you @Denys_Shmyhal for the congratulations! Your personal courage and Ukraine's fight for freedom is an inspiration to me! Latvia will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary!🇱🇻🇺🇦
@jonasgahrstore Thank you @jonasgahrstore ! Will be glad to welcome you in Riga next week to discuss regional security and cooperation, our continued support to Ukraine as well as widening of our bilateral ties.🇱🇻🇳🇴
Šodien Eiropadomē lemsim par turpmāku atbalstu Ukrainai, Krievijas saukšanu pie atbildības par brutālo karu, ES kopīgo enerģētikas politiku, kā arī transatlantiskajām attiecībām. #EUCO
RT @Brivibas36: 📍 15. un 16. decembrī Ministru prezidents @krisjaniskarins piedalīsies ES valstu un valdību vadītāju sanāksmē, kur plānots lemt par turpmāku atbalstu Ukrainai, Krievijas saukšanu pie atbildības par kara noziegumiem Ukrainā, kā arī sankciju pastiprināšanu.
@JJansaSDS Thank you!
@GitanasNauseda Thank you @GitanasNauseda for the warm greetings! Look forward to working together on strengthening 🇱🇻🇱🇹 cooperation bilaterally and in 🇪🇺!
@MarinSanna Thank you @MarinSanna ! Look forward to working together and continuing to deepen the cooperation between 🇱🇻 and 🇫🇮!
RT @Brivibas36: 🔴 Tiešraidē | Jaunā valdība jeb Latvijas 41. Ministru kabinets sanāk uz pirmo svinīgo sēdi.
🎥 Skaties šeit:
@vonderleyen Thank you, Ursula, for all the support and encouragement! Indeed, today we need a strong Europe to be able to deal with all the challenges we face. Our top priority remains support to Ukraine's fight for freedom.
@valstsgriba @Brivibas36 @Jekaba11 Paldies par atbalstu valdības veidošanas procesā! Uz auglīgu sadarbību Latvijas izaugsmes labā!
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