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Thus, for the sake of ending fake self-employment, as well as ensuring transparency and fairness in the use of algorithmic management in the workplace, this vote will be extremely important.


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Workers will also no longer stand empty-handed against an algorithm with new rights to:
- Meaningful information about the systems and how they work;
- A say in how they’re used;
- Explanation of decisions;
- Human oversight, and in particular: never be fired by an algorithm.


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The rules as proposed will allow platform workers, labour inspectors and trade unions to challenge fake self-employment. In that case, it will be up to the platforms to prove that they work with truly independent workers free from their control.


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And as if this is not bad enough already, they are constantly monitored and managed by black box algorithms. They don’t know why they get certain tasks or prices and are sometimes even fired without any explanation.


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Uber's business model is based on the exploitation of workers. Claiming that their drivers and riders are self-employed – which they are clearly not – Uber circumvents minimum wage and social protection laws. As a result, workers are underpaid and have no social protection.


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That day the EMPL committee of the European Parliament will vote on an important piece of legislation, giving platform workers the same rights as other employees. With Uber heavily lobbying against it, it will be a very close vote.


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Monday will be a decisive day for the rights of the millions of platform workers in Europe. In order to make sure that the platform workers win against Uber's multimillion lobby machine, we need your help:


Fijn om te zien dat er zoveel jonge mensen diversiteit willen vieren🥰
Geeft hoop voor een gelijkwaardigere toekomst! 🌈
RT @COCNederland: Op 9 december doet een recordaantal van bijna drieduizend scholen mee aan Paarse Vrijdag! Honderdduizenden scholieren, studenten en docenten in heel Nederland dragen dan paars en organiseren activiteiten om te vieren dat iedereen zichzelf mag zijn.


RT @Yolanda_Diaz_: La posición española es firme: una persona que transita en una bicicleta por las ciudades europeas a cambio de un salario y bajo las órdenes de una plataforma no es un empresario, es un trabajador o una trabajadora.

España defenderá hoy sus derechos laborales en Bruselas.


Trans kids deserve the same encouragement as all kids. Watch this video to learn more about what trans kids need and how we can support them!
@LGBTIintergroup @ILGAEurope @TGEUorg


De extreemrechtse complottheorieën die online grootschalig worden verspreid, o.a. door extreemrechtse politici, en door algoritmes actief worden gepromoot, zijn een regelrecht gevaar voor onze democratie. Dat zagen we in de VS, en nu ook in Duitsland.


Heel goed nieuws! 🌈

De Europese Commissie heeft eindelijk wetgeving gepresenteerd om ervoor te zorgen dat kinderen van ouders van hetzelfde geslacht overal in Europa erkend worden.

Waarom dat zo hard nodig is, blijkt uit de zaak van baby Sara:


It's great news that the Commission has presented new rules on the recognition of parenthood today. 🌈

Freedom of movement currently does not apply to children of same-sex parents. The legislation proposed to close this gap is therefore badly needed.
RT @kimvsparrentak: All we want as LGBTI+ community is equality.

But it's still not possible for same-sex couples to be recognized as parents when moving between certain EU-countries.

I urge the Commission to take a…


Today is the day the @EU_Commission finally unveils its much-awaited

👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧 Together with @Childmanifesto, our Chairs comment on the proposed Regulation on mutual recognition of and Directive on

Read it 👉


This further crackdown of LGBTI+ rights in Russia is extremely worrying.

I'm standing with the Russian LGBTI community and call upon the Russian government to abolish these homophobic laws and to respect human rights.



Trots op @CorinneEllemeet
RT @CorinneEllemeet: Het is officieel: ook huisartsen mogen de abortuspil gaan verstrekken. De Eerste Kamer nam onze initiatiefwet met meer dan 2/3 meerderheid aan. Weer een belangrijke stap in de verbetering van de abortuszorg! Next up: abortus uit het wetboek v strafrecht. 💪


Council adopts an AI Act text without the necessary safeguards for fundamental rights and full of loopholes, especially in the areas where risks to fundamental rights are the highest. We need more ambition from European leaders.


„Het is gevaarlijk wat er nu gebeurt op Twitter. Hoe meer online haat er is tegen minderheden, hoe meer offline haat. En we weten dat desinformatie, zeker rondom corona, doden kan veroorzaken.”

Europarlementariër @kimvsparrentak in @nrc.👇


„Het is gevaarlijk wat er nu gebeurt op Twitter. Hoe meer online haat er is tegen minderheden, hoe meer offline haat. En we weten dat desinformatie, zeker rondom corona, doden kan veroorzaken.”

Europarlementariër @kimvsparrentak in @nrc.👇


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