Negotiated urgency for the @TheProgressives on the situation in Tajikistan‘s Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province.
RT @SPDEuropa: Gas und Atomstrom sind nicht nachhaltig!
Die #Taxonomie sollte der globalen Goldstandard für nachhaltige Finanzen werden, und den Weg der EU zur #Klimaneutralität ebnen.
Heute fordern wir die EU-Kommission auf, einen entsprechenden Vorschlag vorzulegen. #VoteThisTaxonomyDown
RT @ale_moretti: Per un aborto sicuro, legale e accessibile. Oggi insieme a Strasburgo perché i diritti non sono per sempre e vanno protetti e difesi. #mybodymychoice @eurodeputatipd @pdnetwork @TheProgressives
RT @SPDEuropa: Liebe Follower*innen,
unsere Schwerpunkte der heute startenden Juli-Plenarwoche:
🇺🇦 EU-Gipfel - Ukraine gehört nach Europa #WeStandWithUkraine
🌞Nachhaltig investieren - #Taxonomie-Streit um Atomkraft & Gas
0⃣1⃣ Klare Spielregeln für Google, Facebook & Amazon #DMA #DSA
Im Herzen der globalen Völkergemeinschaft - Generalversammlung & Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen.
RT @fesnewyork: It was our pleasure to welcome Members of the European Parliament 🇪🇺 @UdoBullmann, @evinincir & @karstenlucke at FES New York today to discuss where we stand regarding the implementation of the @UN's sustainable development agenda and what the way forward could be. #HLPF2022
Yesterday w/ @DMiliband from @RESCUEorg, @ASteiner from @UNDP and @UN_Women in intensive talks about SDGs and the world on fire. We @TheProgressives design future and bring new knowledge back to Bxl.
RT @fesnewyork: A very big thank you to our speakers & participants for joining today's discussion on the future of global #SustainableDevelopment ahead of next week's #HLPF2022.
🎥 Missed the event? Watch it here:
“2030 and beyond? The road to sustainable global development” discussed today online from New York with @fesnewyork with great experts.
Day starts with highly important exchange about the pandemic and the lessons learned for global health w/ @WHO director Werner Obermeyer.
RT @TheProgressives: If you want security and peace in Africa, you better focus on development. If you want development, you need good governance and an efficient policy-making system,Cristina Duarte, Under Sec-Gen for Africa, told us at @UN HQ.
A new mindset to build an equal EU-Africa partnership.
Always on the agenda abroad - meeting NGOs / Civil society to get down to the roots. SDGs from the perspective of those who are on the ground.
I guess @UdoBullmann is the most European of us…
What a fantastic meeting with @Duarte_UNOSAA on the new African narrative. Honest words in the right direction for African-European relationship.
RT @TheProgressives: The S&D mission to the UN just got started!
First meeting is with the Italian ambassador to take stock of the implementation of SDGs and the threat to the process from the Russian war in Ukraine.
Next step UN Headquarters. Stay tuned!
Covid testing all over the city just on the sidewalk. Fighting pandemic effectively.
Another Badge for four days - Das europäische Dunkelblau mit dem Hellblau der Vereinten Nationen getauscht. Viere Tage UN mit den @TheProgressives über SDGs, Beziehungen zum Globalen Süden und den aktuellen Krisen der Zeit. Gesprächsmarathon voraus.
SDGs, war in Ukraine, relationship to the Global South, much to discuss for us @TheProgressives at @EUatUN ahead of three days at the @UN for intensive political talks.
Gestern noch bei den Nachbarn in Altenkirchen vorbeigeschaut und Europa thematisiert. Multiple Krisen ahead. Einfach wird es nicht, aber wird sind hoch motiviert und bereit zu gestalten.
Morning kick-off with Deputy Head of Mission of @KazBrussels, Timur Sultangozhin, on a broad variety of topics incl. Human Rights, democratic process & future EU-Kazakh relations.
Fruitful discussion. Thanks.
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