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@davekarpf Like when I saw Prince Harry in the supermarket and thought about going over to tell him he really looked like Prince Harry… but figured the poor look-a-like guy must get that all the time. Turned out, he was the real deal.


RT @davekarpf: I kept wanting to make a joke about how verification removal would take awhile because it’d fall on like three dudes to do it by hand. And I kept not making that joke because what a stupid joke that would be.

Goddammit. Should’ve made the joke.


RT @NicolaKelly: She is aware. FCDO and Home Office officials have prepared countless briefings for the Home Secretary on human rights abuses in Rwanda, including this incident. She has consistently disregarded advice from officials, much to their chagrin.


RT @ACatInParis: So i’m about to lose that little
It was never about me wanting to prove I’m “notable” or otherwise special in any way 🤷🏼‍♀️
As a journalist it’s important that I have accountability, and that was what verification meant to me.
Au revoir to all that, & no I’m not paying 😛


RT @SFpolitik: Dronning @MargreteAuken genopstiller ikke ved kommende EP-valg. En drivkraft, der har skubbet den grønne omstilling langt 🌎 💚 Politiske resultater som få kan prale af - og som vi alle kan være taknemmelige for. Men som Margrete siger: “Jeg er jo ikke 70 længere”


RT @TheEconomist: Ukraine’s victory would bring hope that a sovereign democracy need not bow to its much larger, dictatorial neighbour.

It would be a world that took heart from the resolve and courage of Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian people


RT @P_Kallioniemi: APPENDIX: Some of the claims here have been disputed, see for example this thread:



RT @P_Kallioniemi: platforms, meaning that it promotes the idea of "information bubbles" and echo chambers. It seems that Elon Musk also lied when he said that Twitter now promotes all viewpoints equally - as there's a engagement penalty for all Ukraine-related content.



RT @P_Kallioniemi: ..disinformative tweet about Zelenskyy banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church: this was clearly a lie and was labelled as such, yet the tweet itself gained 16 000 retweets and 64 000 likes. Once you've got big enough audience on Twitter, none of the penalties apply.



RT @P_Kallioniemi: ...content and kill any conversation around it. Each like gains 30x boost, re-tweets get a 20x bonus, and replies have no effect at all. So appease to your audience and refuse to talk with the dissidents, and you'll be rewarded by the algorithm.



RT @P_Kallioniemi: ...algorithm change that PENALIZED all Ukraine-related content, making it less visible. For bigger accounts like Davis', 40-50% drop in engagement is HUGE. Now, this could've been due to there being a Ukraine-boosting prioritization before, which he then reversed...



RT @BDStanley: Once again, I am asking everyone to accept that any law pertaining to elections must either have the support of a qualified supermajority (2/3, with votes from government and opposition parties) or must come into force at the election following the one which it precedes.


RT @EU_Justice: Er der behov for mere gennemsigtighed om aktiviteter, der påvirker det demokratiske rum i EU?

F.eks. lobbyisme eller PR-aktiviteter udført til gavn for visse ikke-EU-lande?

Deltag i vores offentlige høring om demokratiet i EU


RT @neogeografen: Hvis der var 1 GIS medarbejder i hver kommune, der kunne/kendte til redigering. Hver person brugte hver 3 timer på gangstikortlægningen i - Så ville vi være oppe på ca. 1750 kirkegårde (ud af 2440) i Maproulette udfordringen.


RT @BrannerSusanne: @KarenMLarsen3 1 ud af 4 voksne transkønnede har forsøgt at begå selvmord jvf SEXUS 2019 som er den største undersøgelse der er lavet på en befolknings seksuelle sundhed og trivsel. Dét tænker jeg da taler et tydeligt sprog.



The Swedish government has announced it will join the EU lawsuit against Hungary’s Kremlin-inspired anti-LGBTIQ+ law.

🇧🇪🇱🇺🇳🇱🇵🇹🇮🇪🇦🇹🇩🇰🇲🇹🇪🇸🇸🇪 & @europarl_en are on the side of human rights & democracy in Europe.

Deadline: April 6th


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