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RT by @karmel80: The UNRWA chief admits he fired staff based only on accusations by Israel, no evidence. Only then did he start an investigation -- "reverse due process." Yet governments suspended aid to UNRWA anyway, risking more Palestinian starvation in Gaza.


[2024-02-10 07:42 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Uagtet sagens substans, er der noget besynderligt ved, at Vanopslagh maner til besindighed i den offentlige debat, og man efterfølgende kan se LA’s MF’ere glæde sig over, at en ungdomspolitiker har mistet sit hverv som ordfører


[2024-02-10 14:46 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Our statement on the killing of dedicated @PalestineRCS staff in , who lost their lives trying to rescue six-year-old Hind.

We mourn alongside our PRCS colleagues.


[2024-02-10 16:32 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Political earthquake in : leading female politicians of Fidesz @KatalinNovak_HU and @JuditVarga_EU resigned within minutes of each other. They had no choice: signing pardon to man implicated in a child sex-abuse scandal hit the heart of Fidesz's slogan: "child-protection"


[2024-02-10 18:28 UTC]

Overreacting makes other think there was a fire and not only smoke. But if he hadn’t then others would think he was t taking it seriously.


[2024-02-10 19:05 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Det er simpelthen for dyrt at køre med tog. I går tog jeg toget et enkelt stop indenfor samme kommune. 20,50kr! Det går den forkerte vej, hvis vi vil have flere til at tage det offentlige 🤷‍♀️


[2024-02-09 09:11 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: This is a gentle reminder to myself and anyone else who needs to hear it:

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes you miss the little details. Especially if you’ve been running at high speed for a while. It’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re bad at your job. Or at humaning.


[2024-02-09 10:01 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: "Access to is a tool for empowerment!"

MEP Karen Melchior @karmel80 will host the Contraception Atlas Launch event at the on Valentine's Day! 💕🇪🇺

Join us in person or online 👉


[2024-02-09 10:16 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Journalists, have you ever wondered whether your media is considered relevant by the European Commission? I have a definitive answer for you.

The Commission has released a list of 761 media sources it uses for its press clippings, which are distributed to staff. Check it out:


[2024-02-09 12:32 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Netmediet Altinget… for på Berlingske siger man stadig EDB og er lidt i tvivl om det det internettet ikke bare mest er et modefænomen, de unge lige nu går op. Ligesom pigtrådsmusik.

Ville det ikke give mere mening at omtale Berlingske, som printavisen Berlingske?


[2024-02-09 12:49 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: putin’s interview for Tucker Carlson is nothing else than another portion of russian aggressive propaganda. He aims at brainwashing Western viewers on the eve of the upcoming elections. Do not fall for it.



[2024-02-09 13:25 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Destroying Gaza’s health care system is a war crime. The ICC should prosecute Israelis responsible for bombing hospitals, denying access to medicines and vaccines, and causing excessive civilian harm.


[2024-02-09 16:18 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: ‘Vi har været for flinke alt for længe’, lyder truslen fra landbrugsorganisation, som varsler blokader af veje og infrastruktur i KBH med ‘hundredvis af traktorer’.

Dertil sammenlignes en CO2-afgift med ‘etnisk udrensning’ og klimavidenskab- og forskning afvises som ‘vanvid’ 😳


[2024-02-09 18:08 UTC]

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[2024-02-09 19:34 UTC]

So what happened to Personal Democracy Forum? They seem to have been swiped off the interwebs….


[2024-02-09 21:21 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Canadian media reveal that their govt suspended UNRWA funding without seeing any evidence. This follows the same revelations about the UK govt.

From what we've heard from Brussels diplomats, it's also the case for the 10 EU states that suspended funds.

Collective recklessness.


[2024-02-07 21:07 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Der er noget dybt utiltalende ved disse skilte i KBHs velhaver-ghettoer. KBH bør være for alle!


[2024-02-08 14:20 UTC]

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