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Some times I wonder about how clever we humans actually are… why did this take about 22 years to develop and start to implement?


[2023-12-14 17:57 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: ✅D E A L !

Bought something defective or dangerous?

We just agreed new rules on consumer rights and producers’ responsibilities — an updated EU Product liability directive.


[2023-12-14 11:36 UTC]

This is great news because we ensure companies cannot just point at states and consumers as responsible for sustainability. Financial services seems de facto to have been removed, which I hope can be cleared up in technical meetings


[2023-12-14 09:31 UTC]

Huge success for free and open source software in product liability directive trilogue: we have agree to keep out free and open source software along principles in cyber resilience act. Thank you to Marcel KOLAJA and Commissioner Breton for support and collaboration.


[2023-12-14 10:22 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Amazing news for Free and Open Source Software!

We reached an agreement on the Product Liability Directive. Free and Open Source Software projects are excluded from the scope, upholding the principles of the Cyber Resilience Act.

Thanks @karmel80 for the excellent cooperation!


[2023-12-14 10:51 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Dear @TonoEPP, why does EP delegation for Israel invite a speaker advocating ethnic cleansing of Gaza population, whose group spouts even genocidal rhetoric?👇

How abt ever inviting an Israeli human rights expert instead?
Cc @ElenaYoncheva @nicolabeerfdp @larrouturou @jordisolef


[2023-12-13 14:57 UTC]

Naturligvis vil vi ha mere indhold på tværs af Europa: EU-Parlamentet vil have større streamingkataloger på tværs af grænser. Jeg er fuldstændig uforstående overfor, at der er så mange, der ikke kan se problematikken.


[2023-12-13 15:23 UTC]

Could someone update
’s English Wikipedia page? He’s back (as predicted) as foreign minister (for now, let’s see what happens when the game of EU jobs starts next year)


[2023-12-13 09:44 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Sure sure the EU should release EUR 10-40billion for Hungary while Orban is adopting the "Sovereignty Protection" law to increase surveillance and legalise smear campaigns against NGOs and media.


[2023-12-13 08:32 UTC]

Kommer min vrede af reel bekymring, eller er det jalousi, fordi det føles, som en lukket klub og oplever noget, jeg ikke er en del af? Er det mig, der er for snerpet og ikke synes, at feststoffer går overens med at leve et liv som forældre til små børn?


[2023-12-12 19:10 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Hvorfor er LA ikke med i aftalen om opsætning af flere vindmøller og flere solceller på land?

Én af grundene: Vi forsøgte af få denne tekstbid ind i aftalen:

“Parterne er enige om, at de af Naturstyrelsen ejede arealer skal udgøre hovedbidraget til de fremtidige bestræbelser på at sikre mere strengt beskyttet natur i Danmark, og at Naturstyrelsens arealer derfor kun skal bruges til andre formål, herunder VE-produktion, hvis det frigiver midler til indkøb af større arealer eller arealer med større naturværdi andetsteds.”

Det ville regeringen ikke være med til …


[2023-12-12 17:31 UTC]

Europe must keep delivering military support to Ukraine to guarantee its victory. But US support remains crucial. With this letter, we as MEPs and MPs call on our American colleagues to unblock US military support. The security of Europe is no political game!


[2023-12-12 14:24 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: You start with "LGBT-ideology-free zones" and this is where you end up.


[2023-12-10 21:18 UTC]

RT by @karmel80: Imagine a room full of politicians and officials craving to send celebratory tweets after an exhausting negotiation.


[2023-12-08 22:24 UTC]

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