Re @KasperHolmJ1 @omDSB Privatisering skal være hvor den har en effekt. Mål for jernbaner skal ikke bare være indtjening men også servicering af tyndt befolkede områder. Gælder som krav i fx Svejts så vidt jeg ved
Ankommet til @BornHax, tak til Roskilde auto og skadescenter der har sponsoreret bil til shuttleservice #reklame
🚨Digital Services Act does not provide a green light for platform blocking.
Internet shutdowns violate human rights.🛜
ARTICLE 19 @accessnow @EPirkova + other NGOs urge @ThierryBreton to clarify his comments on the #DSA allowing for platform blocking:
RT Terence Zakka
Re @article19org @accessnow @EPirkova @ThierryBreton 📩 #DSA 🇪🇺
Answer by EU Commissioner @ThierryBreton:
“Europe stands by the #freedom of expression and a neutral & #open internet.”
“Rather than relying on platforms’ good will, the EU has chosen to organise the digital space with clear #rights, #obligations & safeguards.”
RT ❤️Cisperle🇩🇰🇪🇸🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Det er med tungt❤️at jeg erfarer, at @Skovbruger ikke kommer til at tweete igen. Twitter er hermed blevet lidt mindre ordentlig. Hans ærlighed, ro og takes på store emner vil blive savnet. Jeg sender mine dybeste kondolencer til hans familie💔❤️
RT Katrine Villarreal
Kan vi tale om hvor latterligt det er at cykle i København - verdens bedste cykelby lol - lige nu?
Her min rute på arbejde 👇🏻🚴🏻♀️
Re @PeterUssing NMR skrev blandt andet i artiklen:
“…” Det vides ikke med sikkerhed hvem der har skrevet artiklen…, men retten fandt det bevist, at MC havde bidraget og dermed bedrevet “propagandavirksomhed” med henblik på yderlig udbredelse, hvilket var en skærpende omstændighed.
Re @PeterUssing Derfor blev Malthe Christiansen fundet skyldig i anklagerne rejst mod ham efter racismeparagraffen.
Re @buitengebieden Hi Sander, why don't you credit the author of the content directly in your tweets?
"I’m Sander from the Netherlands. All copyrights belong to their respective owners! DM for credits/removal/submission!"
RT Szabolcs Panyi
"Some people have been kneeling for a long time. For example, this Ukrainian prick called @Podolyak_M. He's been on his knees for a long time, with his mouth wide open and the CIA in front of him," PM Viktor Orbán's confidant and pro-Russian propagandist Zsolt Bayer wrote,…
RT and Lars
Re @StorgaardMikkel Prøv at læse Pauls meget lange tråd om hans venskab med en due-familie.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Paul Fenwick, @pjf: I am certain that nothing could possibly go wrong by attracting flocks of screaming, pooping dinosaurs to the place where I also hang my clean laundry.
RT David Rothkopf
There are no silver bullets that'll save American democracy. Not convicting Trump. Not beating him at the ballot box. (Though both must happen.) The system is too broken. It will be the work of a generation to fix it.
My latest.
RT Dalal Mawadدلال معوض
Not there today. My thoughts are with you. Those who are still fighting for Justice today and every day. May we never forget. #Beirutblast
RT Katrine Stevnhøj: Så blev dommen afsagt: Aleksej Navalnyj idømmes (yderligere) 19 år i straffekoloni.
RT Katrine Stevnhøj
Re "Der er ingen skam i at vælge den sikreste måde at gøre modstand på. Der er skam i at gøre ingenting. Det er skamfuldt at lade sig skræmme."
Re @Catobagger Hvorfor er den det?
‘Shameful loss’: wolves declared extinct in Andalucía
RT Jill Dougherty
Disgraceful decision by Russian court. But in #Putin’s Russia, predictable.
RT UkraineWorld
😔 OCHA Ukraine states that explosive weapons used in populated areas accounted for 96% of all civilian casualties in Ukraine.
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