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Justyna Wydzynska a human rights defender and the first activist in Europe is threatened with 3 years in
prison for helping a woman in an abusive relationship to access abortion pills. She should be protected, not prosecuted. Show your support with 1/


RT @HannaLiubakova: Sofia Sapega was denied pardon, says her lawyer. She was arrested in May 2021, in result of the @Ryanair hijacking that Lukashenka ordered. It shows that the regime doesn’t consider amnesty for political prisoners and doesn’t want to deescalate.


RT @vittoriobertola: I will be giving a talk on platform regulation and the European DMA at the SOOCon in London. It's a new conference and I am quite curious to see how it turns out!


RT @Lewica_News: 📌 @KotulaKat: Pod rządami Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, najbardziej niebezpiecznym przestępcą w Polsce jest kobieta, która pomogła innej kobiecie.



RT @ASPCtweets: "At lære andres sprog og kultur kommer aldrig dårligt tilbage."

Fine ord fra @ChristinaEgelun, som slår fast, at regeringen har ambitioner om at øge udbuddet af int. studerende - ikke kun for den samfundsøkonomiske gevinst, men også for den mellemmenneskelige værdi.


RT @Socepi_ucph: Det er spændede endeligt at kunne dele nogle foreløbige resultater fra vores forskningsprojekt omkring voksne børns uddannelsesniveaus betydning for deres forældres helbred og dødelighed. I går delte @TereseHoej vores fund med @tv2newsdk


RT @RasmusBrygger: Indvandrere og efterkommere udgør over 14 procent af den danske befolkning, mens kun to procent af folketingsmedlemmerne har etnisk minoritetsbaggrund. Hvorfor?

Kig forbi til en vigtig debat om repræsentation, magt og mulighederne d. 18. januar.


RT @TyskAmbDk: I dag er det 50 år siden det første afsnit af den tyske blev vist på tv den 8. januar 1973. Vi siger hjerteligt tillykke!
Nogen her der også er vokset op med 🇩🇪 tv?


RT @FernRiddell: The last time I tweeted about how the anti trans movement had co-opted the colours of the suffragettes, and how angry that made me as a suffragette historian, it led to one of the most vicious and hateful GC pile on’s I’ve ever experienced on here.

Well, I was fucking right.


RT @AlexTaylorNews: Here's the extract of Macron being interviewed on @France2tv yesterday by journalists with autistic spectrum - this time with English s/t 👇

Amazing TV 👏 @JournalPapotin @EmmanuelMacron


RT @KareemRifai: The student who complained was warned multiple times, including right before the viewing, where the professor invited anyone who was uncomfortable to step out.

She stayed anyways and got the lecturer fired. My opinion as a Muslim college student? INSANE conduct by the student.


RT @BaglanPrimary1: Two great books for the month of January in Blwyddyn 6 - Windursh Child by @BZephaniah and Stories about the Windrush with a foreword by @FloellaBenjamin . Fitting in with our theme of Migration and our project - From the Caribbean to Cymru.


RT @hrw: The most important similarity between the episodes of anti-democratic violence in in 2023 and the US in 2021 is that both efforts failed, says @astroehlein in today's Daily Brief:


RT @Hugo_L_P: Fredag var en vidunderlig dag. Tak til alle der har skrevet. Tak til alle de andre stærke projekter i år. Tak til alle de modige kilder, der tør at fortælle deres historier. Jeg har fået lov til at dele Amiras reaktion på at Det Levende Bevis har vundet Cavlingprisen 2022.


EU-traktaterne har "passereller", så man kan gå fra en beslutningsform til en anden. Ligesom glasgangen fra en bygning til en anden i Udenrigsministeriet. Konkret kan Det Europæiske Råd beslutte flertalsafgørelser på udenrigspolitik jf. Artikel 31 (3) i TEU 2/


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RT @BogdanPolovko: Today for the first time in 338 years an Orthodox Christmas service was held in Ukrainian in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (built in 1051) after Moscow Patriarchate Church rent agreement was voided. Historic and incredibly symbolic day for Ukraine as we are getting rid of Russian influence


RT @bbclysedoucet: “Zed Generation: into the heart of Russia’s Fascist Youth” - new research by @irgarner into a new force being forged. He speaks to us on @bbcworldservice


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