Last autumn, on my initiative,
signed a statement of intent on clean tech cooperation.
Thrilled to see progress. Our energy storage tech firm Skeleton just invested €600 million in the Occitanie region.
It’s the biggest ever Estonian investment in France.
[2024-05-15 10:21 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: 2/2 Vastupidi, Prantsusmaa investeering, sealhulgas ka riigi arvestatav rahaline investeerimistoetus, loob kaudselt ka Skeletoni peakontorisse ja R&D keskusesse Eestis rohkem töökohti, plaanime kodumaal laieneda ning olla ja jääda Eesti ettevõtteks.
[2024-05-14 10:06 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: 1/2 Seoses Skeletoni Prantsusmaa investeeringuga üks oluline selgitus - sellest investeeringust ei jäänud Eesti ilma - ei tehtud viga, mille tõttu läksime Prantsusmaale - skaalad ja riigid on erinevad.
[2024-05-14 10:05 UTC]
Agreed with
that we all need to continue efforts to support
and deter Russia. Stopping the circumvention of sanctions is one area.
Welcome progress in our regional transport and energy projects. Must coordinate closely to stay on track.
[2024-05-13 12:13 UTC]
Looking forward to our meeting with
in Vilnius today.
Our focus is on supporting Ukraine, European security and connectivity.
It is always good to see close friends often.
[2024-05-13 06:42 UTC]
Always good to be together on special occasions with our close Polish friends.
Sent a postcard with
emphasising our commitment to Ukraine’s freedom.
We look forward to the day when Ukraine can celebrate
with us as a full EU member.
[2024-05-09 15:39 UTC]
to all of us!
Being part of one united European family with shared aims and values makes us stronger together.
Let’s not be afraid of our own power. If we stay commited to supporting Ukraine until victory, we can bring sustainable peace back to our continent.
[2024-05-09 15:05 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: Tänasel Euroopa päeva seminaril andis peaminister @kajakallas üle uued 2024 tiitlid:
Aasta eurooplane 2024 @KustiSalm ja
Aastate eurooplane @ilvestoomas
Palju õnne! 👏
[2024-05-09 11:07 UTC]
Crucial decision by the EU to hand over profits from Russian frozen assets, including for military aid to Ukraine. Thank you to
for efforts to reach the deal.
But we can't stop here. We must find a way to use Russia's frozen assets entirely.
[2024-05-08 15:53 UTC]
Good exchange ahead of important summits with
Olaf Scholz together with
Focused on our cooperation in NATO, helping Ukraine and strengthening European defence.
We also need collective effort to counter Russia’s hybrid operations.
[2024-05-06 18:09 UTC]
Had a phone conversation with
. I'm glad to support the President in preparation for the upcoming Peace Summit.
Emphasised that for а just and lasting peace we need to maintain our focus on Ukraine's 10-point Peace Formula and on the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
[2024-05-06 13:42 UTC]
I am in Riga today to meet with
Olaf Scholz.
We are going to discuss countering Russian aggression in
and the Kremlin’s shadow war against the free world, boosting our defence readiness and regional connectivity.
[2024-05-06 09:42 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: 🗣️ Kaja Kallas : "La Russie de Poutine se construit une impitoyable machine de guerre"
La Première ministre d’Estonie déplore l’inconscience des citoyens européens qui ne se sentent pas concernés par le conflit ⤵️
[2024-05-05 08:01 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: « Merci à la France. Elle traite l’Estonie en égale. »
La Première ministre @kajakallas rencontrait @EmmanuelMacron et @GabrielAttal. Elle salue le rôle de la France en Europe.
Diversité des points de vue en Europe. L’Italie a au contraire la dent dure contre Paris … 1/2
[2024-05-04 16:08 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: Avec l’Estonie, nous partageons une même vision pour la défense de notre Europe, en particulier sur le soutien à une industrie européenne de défense.
Merci chère Kaja pour ta visite.
Pour notre avenir. Pour notre Europe !
[2024-05-04 08:20 UTC]
Estonia again ranks high on World Press Freedom Index, alongside other Northern friends.
At the same time, the global trend of growing censorship and attacks on journalists continues.
We must protect these basic freedoms so they do not disappear for future generations.
[2024-05-04 09:02 UTC]
and all our Latvian friends and neighbours a wonderful Day of the Restoration of Independence.
We are lucky to have Latvia as a close friend, ally and partner by our side.
[2024-05-04 05:15 UTC]
RT by @kajakallas: Merci de ta visite chère @kajakallas et pour cet échange.
Alors que la guerre est aux portes de l’Europe, nous sommes plus que jamais unis pour lutter contre l’ingérence russe et assurer l’Ukraine de notre soutien. Notre coopération économique et nos liens se renforcent.
Le moment européen que nous vivons est le même : l’Estonie, comme la France, y joue son avenir.
[2024-05-03 19:12 UTC]
Happy to meet with Prime Minister
are good partners and strong allies. We highly value France’s military presence in Estonia.
We're also interested in boosting our business relations, there's great potential in clean tech and innovation.
[2024-05-03 20:00 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Eesti Vabariigi peaminister, Prime Minister of Estonia 🇪🇪