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Emphasised to
that every arms package sent to Ukraine is highly welcome.
It should also inspire others to deliver to Ukraine what it urgently needs.
We should not forget we have the resources and expertise – our strength outweighs Russia’s.

[2024-04-29 07:02 UTC]

's new Ambassador
Agreed that supporting Ukraine is important to both our countries.
Estonia supports Georgia's Euroatlantic path.
As an EU candidate country, the focus should be on steps moving Georgia closer to the EU, not further from it.

[2024-04-19 10:31 UTC]

Emphasised to
that we must set Ukraine’s victory as the goal.
We must be united, give aid to Ukraine and stand up to a bully, so that Ukraine wins and Russia is pushed back to Russia.
This is the way to prevent war spreading further in Europe.

[2024-04-19 09:52 UTC]

Looking forward to the discussion on competitiveness at today's
The Single Market works for goods, but it should work the same way for services.
We know where the barriers are and what more needs to be done.

[2024-04-18 09:11 UTC]

My message to EU leaders: let's demonstrate the will to defeat Russian aggression.
Israel’s success in intercepting Iran’s attack shows the power of cooperation and help from partners. It must also remind us to help Ukraine. They are under daily drone and missile attacks.

[2024-04-17 19:23 UTC]

My message at
: we have a very real threat to defend against.
Europe is facing a critical moment that will shape our future for decades.
We need to ramp up our defence industry and spending. With the right resolve and united effort, I believe we can succeed.

[2024-04-17 17:31 UTC]

Glad to welcome
as the first Prime Minister of
Closer cooperation between Andorra and the EU also helps to boost bilateral ties.
Thanked Andorra for its support to Ukraine and discussed the importance of holding Russia accountable.

[2024-04-16 10:24 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: 2023 International Tax Competitiveness Index

Top 10 Countries

New Zealand🇳🇿🥉


[2024-04-15 21:33 UTC]

future with
and other leaders.
To provide security to our people, we must help Ukraine win the war and invest in our own defence readiness.
And to strengthen the Single Market, we need fair competition and secure connections.

[2024-04-12 06:04 UTC]

In my meeting with
, emphasised that the free world must demonstrate the will to defeat Russian aggression.
Ukraine needs both our swift military aid and long-term support.
Hope to deepen our excellent cooperation with Poland on defence and countering hybrid threats.

[2024-04-11 15:36 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: 📢 ZAPOWIEDŹ | 11 kwietnia, o godz. 17.00 odbędzie się spotkanie z mediami Premiera @DonaldTusk i Premier Estonii @kajakallas.


[2024-04-11 12:01 UTC]

Discussed Estonia's economy and long-term competitiveness with the
mission chief Vincenzo Guzzo.
My government’s priority is strong and sustainable economic growth backed by sound public finances.
IMF visits Estonia as part of their annual economic policy consultation.

[2024-04-10 18:15 UTC]

Good exchange with
on the future of the
Single Market.
Innovation, secure cross-border connections, and fair competition are the key to future development.
We also must reduce the administrative burden for our companies and develop Single Market in defence.

[2024-04-09 09:27 UTC]

Honoured to receive the
Heroes of Democracy Award.
Freedom never comes for free – you have to fight for it.
At the times like these, we need to believe in our values and find the spirit of victory more than ever.
Brave Ukrainians teach us this every day.

[2024-04-05 06:57 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: Amb Tammsaar received @Renew_Democracy Heroes of Democracy Award on behalf of PM @kajakallas for her principled stand against russia’s authoritarian aggression.

🇪🇪fully committed to support🇺🇦as long as it takes by all means. To win we need the same spirit across the free world.

[2024-04-05 03:19 UTC]

Today is
’s 75th anniversary.
NATO, the most successful defence alliance, secures freedom for 32 nations.
NATO doesn't threaten Russia, it exists to defend allies from it.
For peace in Europe, we need Ukraine in NATO, as grey zones fuel conflict and wars.

[2024-04-04 05:20 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: We honoured the memory of the victims of communism in Tallinn. The Ukrainian people share the pain and suffering of Estonians who survived the occupation by the Soviet Union. Ukraine also went through the repression of the communist machine. Nowadays, we are united to prevent the revival of totalitarianism in Europe being promoted by putin's russia.
У Таллінні вшанували пам'ять жертв комунізму. Український народ розділяє біль і страждання естонців, які пережили окупацію СРСР. Україна теж пройшла через репресії комуністичної машини.
Сьогодні ми об'єднані, аби не допустити відродження тоталітаризму в Європі, який несе сучасна путінська росія.

[2024-04-03 15:49 UTC]

RT by @kajakallas: A productive meeting with the 🇪🇪 Prime Minister @kajakallas. I thanked her for the significant contribution of more than 520 million euros to strengthen Ukraine's defence capabilities. We discussed assistance in energy equipment, the creation of IT coalition, the development of transport logistics and the confiscation of russian assets. We appreciate the support for Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO as well as 🇺🇦 President’s Peace Formula.
Продуктивна зустріч з Прем'єр-міністеркою🇪🇪 @kajakallas. Подякував за суттєвий внесок в посилення обороноздатності України на суму понад 520 млн євро. Обговорили допомогу з енергетичним обладнанням, створення IT коаліції, розбудову транспортної логістики та конфіскацію російських ативів.
Цінуємо підтримку інтеграції України в ЄС і НАТО, а також Формули миру Президента 🇺🇦.

[2024-04-03 15:09 UTC]

I emphasised to
that Estonia’s support to
is unwavering, until Ukraine’s victory.
In addition to military aid, we support you on your way to the EU and NATO.
We have also taken long-term commitments to help build up Ukraine and give humanitarian aid. 1/

[2024-04-03 14:47 UTC]

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