Spoke to @politiken while in Denmark earlier this week.
I explained why we must discredit aggression as a tool of statecraft and break the endless cycle of Russian aggression, and why any negotiated pause would serve Russia’s interests.
Thanks, @jarlner, for the interview.
RT @politiken: Rusland skal tilføjes et »ydmygende« nederlag, mener Kaja Kallas, for russerne skal tvinges til at bryde en ond historisk cirkel. https://politiken.dk/udland/art9353065/Estlands-leder-bruger-Churchill-citat-som-argument-mod-at-forhandle-om-fred-med-diktatorer-som-Putin#Echobox=1684489231
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kajakallas/status/1659510164641181698