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RT @UNRWA_EU: 🙏Thanks 🇪🇺 for stressing again @UNRWA's contribution to stability & security in the Middle East, & for calling on the intl community for adequate support - also in view of the renewal of the mandate by the @UN General Assembly.




Avui al Parlament hem aprovat el programa “Dècada Digital”, per tal que la UE assoleixi objectius concrets en digitalització pel 2030.

Gràcies a les nostres esmenes, hem aconseguit que es tingui en compte el paper dels governs subestatals en la consecució d’aquests objectius


Aujourd'hui, l'Assemblée nationale française vote sur une proposition visant à interdire la corrida en France. Heureusement, en Catalogne, cela fait des années que l'on ne tue plus les taureaux pour en faire un spectacle pervers. J'espère que la même chose se produira en France!


RT @saskiabricmont: Invitation - victims in Spain
Crucial to hear and listen to what victims have to say: why have they been targeted? Who has been affected? And how did the political and legal system react?
Speakers include Pegasus victims & @jsrailton from @citizenlab


RT @TeresaJorda: Avui aconseguim suspendre el ramal de la MAT a comarques gironines. Ser útils a Madrid per defensar el territori. Una victòria que hem fet possible de la mà de la plataforma @NoalaMatSelva, que mai ha defallit, i moltíssims companys i companyes. Avui és una victòria de la gent!


Avui a l’Intergrup de Minories del Parlament Europeu parlem amb @CarlesLagresa sobre el pas fronterer del Coll de Banyuls.

Des del PE seguirem pressionant per la reobertura de la frontera i la lliure circulació pel pas, tal i com estableixen les normes de la UE✊🏼


RT @Esquerra_INT: 5) We will continue to build up our democratic strength and the grounds to make our self-determination referendums possible, and that the results be accepted.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 4) If there are laws that prevent nations like ours from exercising this right, then these laws go against democratic principle and must be changed.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 2) We will not cease to seek democratic and legal routes by which to exercise this right, to give the people their voice and their vote.

3) We support the Scottish Government and First Minister @NicolaSturgeon to find mechanisms to exercise this right.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 📢 [COMMUNIQUÉ] @Esquerra_ERC before the ruling by the United Kingdom Supreme Court on the authority of the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish government to hold a referendum:

1) Stateless nations such as Scotland and Catalonia have the inalienable right to self-determination.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 5) Seguirem acumulant forces i raó democràtica per fer possible que els nostres referèndums d’autodeterminació, i el seus resultats, siguin acceptats.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 4) Si hi ha lleis que impedeixen l’exercici d’aquest dret a nacions com les nostres, aleshores aquestes lleis són contraries al principi democràtic i cal canviar-les.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 2) No deixarem de buscar maneres democràtiques i legítimes d’exercir aquest dret, per donar la veu i el vot a la gent.

3) Donem suport al govern escocès i a la presidenta @NicolaSturgeon en la cerca de mecanismes per fer possible aquest dret.


RT @Esquerra_INT: 📢 [COMUNICAT] @Esquerra_ERC sobre la sentència del TS del Regne Unit per les competències 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 d'Escòcia d'organitzar un referèndum 👇🏽

1) Les nacions sense estat propi com Escòcia o Catalunya tenim el dret inalienable a l’autodeterminació.


Stateless nations like or undoubtedly have the inalienable right to self determination. We will persist in seeking out democratic and legitimate means to exercise this right and to give again the voice and the vote to the people
RT @NicolaSturgeon: 1/ While disappointed by it I respect ruling of @UKSupremeCourt - it doesn't make law, only interprets it.
A law that doesn't allow Scotland to choose our own future…


RT @NicolaSturgeon: 2/ Scottish democracy will not be denied.
Today’s ruling blocks one route to Scotland’s voice being heard on independence - but in a democracy our voice cannot and will not be silenced.
I'll make a full statement later this morning - tune in around 11.30am


RT @NicolaSturgeon: 1/ While disappointed by it I respect ruling of @UKSupremeCourt - it doesn't make law, only interprets it.
A law that doesn't allow Scotland to choose our own future without Westminster consent exposes as myth any notion of the UK as a voluntary partnership & makes case for Indy


La cerca i salvament de persones al mar és una obligació internacional dels estats❗️

Estem davant del fracàs de la solidaritat europea. No criminalitzeu les ONGs que fan el que els estats estan obligats a fer. Establim un mecanisme europeu✊🏼


Magnífica notícia! Cap tribunal pot coartar cap debat parlamentari. És tan evident com lamentable que es judicialitzin alguns debats del @parlamentcat Enhorabona @rogertorrent @adrianadelgadoh @josepcosta @ECampdepadros !


RT @GreensEFA: "We see people dying every day at our borders.

They are paying the ultimate price for European cowardice.

Those colleagues who have turned Europe into are betraying the EU values. You should be upholding European dignity!," our @ph_lamberts


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