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RT @GreensEFA: MEPs voted for an Ethics Body to tackle issues of integrity, transparency & accountability in the EU institutions.👏👏

"This is the only way to rebuild trust. It's unacceptable that Commission hasn't come forward with a proposal for almost a year and a half" @daniel_freund


La société tunisienne 🇹🇳doit parvenir à un nouveau consensus sur la manière de sauver la transition démocratique et de restaurer les piliers d’une gouvernance démocratique propre, inclusive et efficace.

L' 🇪🇺doit soutenir l’économie tunisienne mais aussi sa démocratie.


A l'intergrup de minories lingüístiques del Parlament Europeu avui hem parlat de la necessitat d'incloure el català, el galleg i l'euskera a la plataforma en línia de suport lingüístic d’
RT @VilaWeb: Demanen a la Comissió Europea que no exclogui el català, el gallec i l'èuscar de la plataforma oficial d'aprenentatge de llengües dels estudiants Erasmus


Hungarian Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi has called all members of the European Parliament "idiots". The fact that this is the commissioner chosen by Orbán explains a lot.

President @vonderleyen needs to take urgent action on this contempt for European democracy.


Thank you, @NicolaSturgeon for your commitement and tireless struggle for Scottish independence! You have been an excellent Prime Minister for ! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿The democratic fight for continues!✊🏽


Les falsedats tenen les cames curtes (també en política)

Junts i Trias acusen @ERCbcn de soci del govern Colau malgrat tothom sap que Comuns (amb Valls i PSC) ens van expulsar de la governació.

La realitat - i les dades- desmenteixen relats interessats.


RT @GreensEFA: Standing in solidarity with people affected by the in & !

The EU must ensure that aid reaches the people & lifesavers on the ground & give funding to local organisations who have been tirelessly providing rapid emergency relief.


Israel/Palestine: 🇪🇺rejects "legalisation" of 9 settlement outposts in occupied West Bank 👉 settlements are illegal under international law. 🇪🇺 calls on 🇮🇱authorities to halt settlement construction & to reverse the latest decisions as a matter of urgency


The and scandals have made it clear that our anti-corruption rules must be improved. But what is particularly needed are mechanisms to ensure that the rules we already have are enforced.


Ha estat un plaer poder conèixer de la mà de @Coexphal i @FEUGA_20 els mètodes basats en la biodiversitat que poden ajudar en la reducció de l’ús de productes fitosanitaris a l’agricultura, en la línia de les demandes del Pacte Verd Europeu


La sentència d’ahir del Tribunal Suprem Espanyol és jurídicament aberrant, perversa i política. És una nova demostració que existeix un grup objectivament identificable al qual sistemàticament se’ns vulneren drets


has supported our proposal for a resolution on an independent EU !

The Ethics Body will be key in the fight against , with an independent oversight of EU lobbying rules, revolving doors and conflicts of interest.


RT @CanalEuropa: 🇪🇺En el séptimo encuentro del programa 'Europa Decide', los eurodiputados debatieron sobre los controles presupuestarios del dinero público y las reglas fiscales.

🗣️@jordisolef de @Esquerra_ERC nos da su opinión.

Debate completo👉🏼


They say walls would better stop migration❌. But what they will stop is our European values🇪🇺. I say NO to 👇
RT @eaPolitics: EU leaders harden rhetoric on migrant returns, divided on border fences


🟣Rethinking Europe. A New Governance System for the

🕒Today, 8th February at 15:00h

📍European Parliament, Brussels

Do not miss it! 👉


Contra l'oblit i la desmemòria, pels republicans que van lluitar contra el feixisme, i per no caure en els errors del passat, aquesta setmana portem al Parlament Europeu l'exposició "Lliçons pel present: , treballadors forçats republicans a la II Guerra Mundial"👇


Appalled by the images of death, suffering and destruction caused by the terrible in Turkey and Syria, mainly in . All my support and solidarity with the victims and their families. International humanitarian aid has to be urgently sent to the region.


El meu agraïment a @universitatURV , a les entitats memorialistes implicades, a @EuropeDirectTGN , al director del documental i a alumnes i professors de l’Institut Fonts del Glorieta d’ per haver-nos explicat la història oblidada dels @RotspanierE al Parlament Europeu


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