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Uninformed & tiresome. More productive to spend time making Britain prosperous I would say
RT @Bots_Rule: @BRDom6128 @gary_gtto @john4brexit @gary_gtto will not respond.

They always run away.


How Rishi Sunak threw Badenoch's ambitions under a bus marked Brexit, if there is meaningful deregulation and alignment with Common Law Ms Badenoch’s plan could achieve more for business in practice& side step Whitehall


Not for all categories.
RT @FionaPetrie10: @john4brexit You have option to opt out, but it is option for employee to avoid employers forcing long hours on staff. That's how it should be


Rejoiners will never succeed because despite their best efforts to undermine Brexit , the benefits and successes keep growing day by day. Get with the programme.
RT @gary_gtto: @john4brexit You'll be remembered as a failure, a failure that pushed the idea Brexit would be good for the UK. No wonder you're on here everyday flogging your dead horse. What a legacy !! you know the truth whatever you try and spin.


The left love to obfuscate when they are fingered
RT @RenZelen: Brexiters love to deal in false equivalents & irrational assumptions & pretend they sound plausible. Just because Welby condemns Illegal Immigration Bill as ‘morally unacceptable’ it does not immediately mean he wants ‘open borders’. To jump to this conclusion is childish


So why not frack?
RT @Rob_Kimbell: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has backed continuing North Sea oil and gas production, arguing that the UK “will need fossil fuels for the next few decades.”


Ever little helps. It would be even better if the Working Time legislation were scrapped or at least employers and all workers given a choice as to whether to sign up to it in employment contracts. Allow overtime. Increase productivity & earnings


RT @CeeMacBee: Badenoch: 'In addition to the list of around 600 coming in the Bill, the Financial Services and Markets Bill and the Procurement Bill – both of which are nearing completion in Parliament – will repeal around 500 pieces of REUL. Taken altogether this forms a significant removal of…


Archbishop Welby condemns Illegal Immigration Bill- ‘morally unacceptable’ - So the Arch Bishop would have open borders whether the people coming contribute to the country/economy or are criminal.Meanwhile British people impoverished & services overwhelmed


RT @IndBusNet: If the CBI are predicting something you can be sure it will be wrong.

All the big pundits got it wrong on the UK economy. They don't want our country to do well outside the EU.


RT @IndBusNet: Training young people to create job, not simply to find a job is key.

We need a greater emphasis on entrepreneurialism and skills for life in our education system.


Don’t worry, The IBN is conducting a study into the economic and cultural impact of Net migration
RT @Victorian__Dad: @john4brexit All this energy on illegal immingration


Net migration predicted to reach twice the pre-Brexit figures. 675k net touted for 2023


Suella Braverman says illegal immigration ‘out of control’ as she urges peers not to block bill – UK politics live- IF the Lords block what is a clear mandate from the electorate it must surely point to the urgent need to reform the HofL


A weak currency is a function of a lack of economic growth - the choice of Messrs Sunak & Hunt. Inflation could also be curbed by producing our own fossil fuels rather than importing them- incl fracking. The choice of our leaders.
RT @PrimeFXltd: @ibizateacher @thezanussi @john4brexit Of course there are trade offs, thats a given with any monetary or fiscal measure taken. Trade offs with more hikes - dampen inflation but chokes economic growth.Inflation is the big…


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